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2007-07-30 00:46:35| 人氣431| 回應6 | 上一篇 | 下一篇

Lovely Ladies.

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Are you terrified by looking at my twisted face? Oh well, that Spaghetti di Mare is absolutely TASTY. As you could see, this is my order and I love it!
Kimberly has some sort of white spaghetti, I guess it is also delicious otherwise she would not eat the whole plate. My darling, I am sure you were super hungry... Just LIKE me :)
I am not a ravioli person, but Beth’s order is just right and it smells good! HAR, maybe that is the reason that Beth got it as other 3 ladies. RAVIOLLI... So ITALIAN!
Bon is the bride to be and I am attending her wedding on 08/11.07. This is the gathering for her right before the big date. I love weddings, it is usually WARM and TOUCHING. Bon, we all love you so much and we wish you and Nathan all our best.
Yumi, you are really very Japanese! Look at your pose and face, you win! We just can not emphasize how classical this picture is, WONDERFUL. You did win the first prize!
Ky sun is always ladylike, and we are always noisy. Totally opposite Ky sun, you need to be as loud as us and then you will understand why we are so crazy :p Join us please- Crazy Women Club!
6 ladies. 6 Lovely Ladies!

台長: Li
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Hmmmmmmmm... Italian food~~~~~ yummy! I love Italian food as well : )
2007-07-31 03:54:40
2007-08-02 12:27:11
如果我沒有判斷錯, 我知道那地方 (La Vita É Bella).

幾個星期前, 我們 Group 也才剛去過. 滿不錯的地方.
2007-08-04 01:36:50
Dear Kanza,
Heheheh, I like Italian cuisine so much as well. It`s super tasty and fatty too! I guess that`s why it`s soooooooo delicious ^^&quot

Dear 芥末,
I like noodles better than rice, all my siblings are like this. We just simply love noodles more! it`s faster and easier to cook lol~ Save me lot`s lot`s of time!

Dear Andy,
You are GOOD! Really are, HAR : ) I sure did enjoy the food @ La Vita É Bella, but I think my dish is kinda expensive. It`s $18.00... Hmmmm...
2007-08-07 00:07:44
seafood $18 已經是很不錯了, 又是在 Belltown.

如果我走路去上班, 我差不多都會經過那裡. 那裡距我上班的地方應該沒有四個街口吧!!!
2007-08-11 01:47:13
我現在因為在Westin Seattle,離很多地方都近多了!
真幸福~一走出Westin就一堆local cafe可以聞香!!
2007-08-11 23:10:54
是 (若未登入"個人新聞台帳號"則看不到回覆唷!)
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