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How to maintain the belt in daily living

Wearing a leather straps has become quite popular nowadays because it is gentle, compliant, comfortable, as well as prevents hypersensitive reactions to the body due to penetration of nickel aluminum like putting on a steel band. leather watch bands   ,. So, just how if the leather band be maintained?

Like other leather goods, one of the most taboo factor about straps is drinking water. Soon after prolonged immersion in drinking water (such as human sweating), the buckle will immediately harden and be breakable. For that reason, it really is absolutely difficult to go swimming having a observe with a leather straps. Continuous perspiration immersing also can make your strap moldy and smelly.

Long term solid sunshine will discolor the surface of the leather-based band and accelerate the ageing of the cortex. The fixed position is additionally vulnerable to breaks

To wash a leather-based band, very first wash the top of the band by using a smooth cloth dampened with detergent, then quickly free of moisture it with a cloth dampened with water, then place in a cool place. Air flow dry.


How to reduce the wear and tear of leather straps?   

How you can minimize the deterioration of natural leather bands?

How to choose a leather strap

台長: wljiateng
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全站分類: 流行時尚(美容彩妝、保養、造型、塑身、流行情報)

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