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【好康】Hauck Highchair Sit’n Relax, Winnie the Pooh 優惠專區流行



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Hauck Highchair Sit'n Relax, Winnie the Pooh 2018

The perfect highchair for new-born babies.

Hauck's highchair Sit'n Relax enables your baby to participate in everyday family life on eye level with mom and dad right from the very first day. No matter which table it is, the attachments can be adjusted in seven different height levels so that your child can be in on it at all times.

The smart Sit'n Relax highchair combo by Hauck comes with a new-born attachment and an attachment for a regular highchair. Both attachments can be interchanged quickly.

The cuddly new-born highchair with three-point belt is suitable right from the very first day. In order to make your little one feel super comfortable, you can easily and single-handedly adjust the backrest in multiple ways. The great Disney design is featured on the padding while Winnie the Pooh and his friends decorate the cute mobile.

As soon as your child is able to sit unaided, you can use the regular highchair. The wide, ergonomically shaped seat is particularly comfortable. The backrest can be adjusted into a full recline position with only one hand and the footrest can be adapted individually to the size of your child.

With Hauck's Highchair Sit'n Relax your child can have his meal on his very own tray while sitting freely in the room or else at the table close to you. The five-point harness as well as the integrated crotch section provide maximum support. The large eating and play tray can be adjusted in depth and supplies your child with optimum room for sitting comfortably. A practical section for your little one's cup as well as the high rim prevent food or drink from dropping down. In case of a little mishap, you can easily remove and wash the eating and play tray. If the tray is not required anymore, it can be stored by hanging it on the frame of the highchair.

Toys and other necessities and niceties can be stored in the large basket. If required, you can move the Sit'n Relax with its two casters or else fold it into a space-saving size. Its double function is perfect for using the Sit'n Relax for a very long time.


  • Smart highchair combo suitable right from birth and up

  • Safe highchair for new-born babies and comfortable highchair for toddlers in one item

  • Height adjustable in seven different levels

  • Highchair seat unit for new-borns with adjustable backrest and play bar

  • Toddler's highchair with adjustable backrest and footrest

  • Removable and depth-adjustable eating tray

  • Large basket

  • Casters

  • Wipeable

Characteristics of highchair for new-borns:

  • Height-adjustable highchair for new-borns

  • Adjustable lying surface

  • One-hand adjustment of backrest

  • Removable cover

  • Adjustable and removable mobile

  • Three-point harness

  • Suitable from 0 months up to 9 kg

Characteristic of highchair for toddlers:

  • Height-adjustable highchair for toddlers

  • Removable and depth-adjustable eating tray

  • Eating tray with section for child's cup

  • Adjustable backrest, 3 x

  • One-hand adjustment of backrest

  • Adjustable footrest, 2 x

  • Five-point harness

  • Suitable from 6 months up to 15 kg

Dimensions and weights:

  • Size folded (max.): 30 x 53 x 93 cm

  • Size unfolded: 84 x 58 x 105 cm

  • Highchair attachment for new-borns: 1,7 kg

  • Highchair attachment for toddlers: 3,3 kg

  • Weight of frame: 5,4 kg

Items delivered:

  • Frame

  • Highchair attachment for new-borns

  • Highchair attachment for toddlers

  • 優惠專區流行
  • Eating tray

  • Play bar

  • Basket

  • casters




Hauck Highchair Sit’n Relax, Winnie the Pooh





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2018年06月07日 上稿編輯: 鄒敏惠 環境資訊中心記者 鄒敏惠報導



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此外,高達九成以上的跑者表示,願意支持將環保理念納入賽事規劃的路跑活動;也有85%的跑者認為,若地方政府主好康活動上班族省錢大作戰辦環保永續的運動賽事,可以提升城市形象與市民榮譽感。 台北馬鼓勵性減塑 也兼顧國際賽事品質

台北市環保局副局長蔡玲儀坦言,台北馬拉松畢竟是具指標性的國際比賽,以2萬7000人的賽事規模,不可能一次就做到不提供一次性水杯。賽事品質、跑者的比賽時間是否受影響,都需納入整體考量。 台北市環保局副局長蔡玲儀說明台北馬拉松減塑方案。攝影:鄒敏惠。


蔡玲儀說,環保局會進一步分析跑者的需求,例如追求國際比賽個人紀錄的跑者多會自帶水杯,而目前也在找可重複使用、較為輕便的水杯。賽事方面,除了每個補給站都會重新規劃,方便快速完成補給,也會以更多的志工人力來幫忙補水。 路跑也要減塑。圖片提供:綠色和平。

北市特價商品特價商品府體育局長李再立表示,「體育局一直努力將環保價值放進運動賽事中,我們希望能夠改變台北市體育運動的風貌。今年9月體育局規劃的運動月,也是以『運動讓地球更健康』為主題,我們相信台北馬是一個推動永續運動的指標。」 本次調查為綠色和平委託創市際市場研究顧問股份有限公司執行,對象為20至55歲有參加過路跑賽事的台灣民眾,擴及台灣北中南東四個地區,執行時間為2018年5月14日至5月22日,由網路調查方式進行,共完成1068份有效樣本,在95%信心水準之下,抽樣誤差為±3%。

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Another world is possible.

Hauck Highchair Sit’n Relax, Winnie the Pooh

推薦, Hauck Highchair Sit’n Relax, Winnie the Pooh

討論, Hauck Highchair Sit’n Relax, Winnie the Pooh

部落客, Hauck Highchair Sit’n Relax, Winnie the Pooh

比較評比, Hauck Highchair Sit’n Relax, Winnie the Pooh

使用評比, Hauck Highchair Sit’n Relax, Winnie the Pooh

開箱文, Hauck Highchair Sit’n Relax, Winnie the Pooh

?推薦, Hauck Highchair Sit’n Relax, Winnie the Pooh

評測文, Hauck Highchair Sit’n Relax, Winnie the Pooh

CP值, Hauck Highchair Sit’n Relax, Winnie the Pooh

評鑑大隊, Hauck Highchair Sit’n Relax, Winnie the Pooh

部落客推薦, Hauck Highchair Sit’n Relax, Winnie the Pooh

好用嗎?, Hauck Highchair Sit’n Relax, Winnie the Pooh


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