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線上英語教學比較 人際關係心得 ventricle-retrograde his interval中文意思是什麼

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    線上英語廣播 線上學習 一對一英語英文雜誌學英文 多益 雅思英語自學教材 免費線上英文會話 學英文拼音成人英語班 網路學英文 免費 英語問候tutor for you 英文 美語線上英語教學比較 人際關係心得學以致用 英文 常用英文單字 學英語app新竹英文家教班 英文自我介紹



ventricle-retrograde his interval中文意思是什麼

ventricle-retrograde his interval解釋


  • ventricle: n. 【解剖學】室;心室。
  • retrograde: adj 後退的,倒退的;反的,倒轉的;逆行的;退步的,退化的。vi 後退,倒退;逆行;退步,退化;墮落。...
  • his: pron. 1. 〈he 的所有格〉他的。2. 〈he 的物主代詞〉他的東西。3. 〈古語〉〈置於男子名後作所有格〉他的。
  • interval: n 1 (空間方面的)間隔;空隙。2 (時間方面的)間隔,間歇;工間休息,幕間休息。3 【軍事】(各小隊...

  • His problem began when he was a child.

  • The interval between that time and supper he devoted to showing me his collection of curiosities. 數學家教班 英文家教老師費用 英文初級教學

  • After these tender contests and her victory she would go away by herself under the remotest cow, if at milking - time, or into the sedge, or into her room, if at a leisure interval, and mourn silently, not a minute after an apparently phlegmatic negative. the struggle was so fearful ; her own heart was so strongly on the side of his - two ardent hearts against one poor little conscience - that she tried to fortify her resolution by every means in her power

    全民英檢初級寫作 線上英文單字 他們每次都是這樣多情地爭論,最後又總是她取得勝利,然後再獨自離開,如果是擠牛奶的時候,她就會跑到最遠的一頭奶牛那兒去擠奶,如果是閑暇的時候,她就會跑到葦塘里去,或者跑回自己的房間,獨自在那兒悲傷,而在不到一分鐘前,她還在假裝冷淡地表示拒絕。
  • First campbell received an elbow to the eye from benjani mwaruwari 40 seconds after the interval, then svetoslav todorov backed into him, causing blood to stream from his nose

  • The story also fails to explain some of the mysteries like why there is a two years interval before the ghost seeks his revenge. the ending is awkward as we do not understand why so and so ( no spoiler. . )


    vent gas cooler, vent gas tower, ventricle wave, ventriclebrain, ventroptosia, ventroscope

    ventricle-retrograde his interval中文意思是什麼
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