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【限量折扣商品】chicco Double Stroller Stroll’in’2 折價券代碼特賣

不過剛好最近家裡的舊的chicco Double Stroller Stroll’in’2


寶貝說他同事也有買 ,兩個禮拜下來感覺真的很不錯喔!!

所以我跟寶貝馬上googe一下,找看看有沒有chicco Double Stroller Stroll’in’2













Chicco Double Stroller Stroll'in'2 設計式樣: OCTANE · 2019

The perfect choice for smart parents: Chicco's Stroll'in'2 transports two children of different ages in ONE pushchair.

This trendy and practical double stroller offers your two kids two seats or else one seat and one footboard. The front seat is suitable for the younger child from approx. 6 months up to 36 months while the rear seat or the footboard is suitable for older children from 3 years up to approximately 25 kg. When combined with Chicco's infant car seat KeyFit (not included in delivery) which has to be attached to the front seat of the Stroll'in'2, this pushchair is suitable even for new-borns and on short routes.

The front seat offers a spacious, soft padded seating surface. Shoulder belts and crotch section are comfortably padded as well. The front bar comes with a practical tray for your little one's drinking bottle, toy or snacks. The large canopy can be folded out rearwards and thus offers both kids a shady spot. A spacious shopping basket beneath the seat is easy to reach from the front and the back.

The back seat for the older sibling is also equipped with a soft padding and comes with a practical abdominal belt. In case your older child wishes to stand rather than sit, the seat can be folded up and your child can use the footboard instead. In order to guarantee your older child a safe ride on the footboard the chassis of the Stroll'in'2 comes with practical handles to hold on to.

In order to help you master the stressful everyday life with two children the Stroll'in'2 in equipped with an intuitive one-hand folding mechanism. This way, you can fold the double stroller into a compact size so that it can be stored in a space-saving and free-standing position. Another item included in delivery is the rain cover that keeps both of your little one's dry. A little treat for mom and dad is the push bar that comes with a tray that has a foldable bag in the centre. Here, you can store your smartphone or other smaller items during your stroll.

We wish you and your children maximum driving pleasure at all times!


  • Pushchair suitable for two kids of a different age - contains two seats or a footboard

  • Front seat for the younger child: 6 months to 36 months

  • Rear seat and footboard for the older child: form approx. 3 years up to 25 kg max.

  • Attachment of Chicco's infant car seat KeyFit to the front seat (infant car seat is not included in delivery but sold separately!)

  • Large, comfortable front seat with padded shoulder belts and crotch section

  • Front bar with tray

  • Large canopy with extendable sides

  • Spacious, easy-to-reach basket

  • 送禮推薦發燒好康
  • Padded rear seat with abdominal belt can be folded if not in use

  • Footboard for the older sibling

  • Handles integrated on the chassis of the pushchair

  • Easy one-hand locking mechanism

  • Free-standing position if folded

  • Tray with foldable bag for parents

  • Including rain cover

  • Weight: approx. 12 kg

  • Size unfolded: 60 x 114 x 106 cm (L x W x H)
  • 折價券代碼特賣

  • Size folded: 60 x 38 x 89 cm (L x W x H)




chicco Double Stroller Stroll’in’2





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課審大會。圖/教育部提供 分享 facebook 12年國教課綱科技領域領綱日前因研修小組將國小也納入,但總綱卻未納入國小,是第一件遭遇「再審議」決議的課綱草案,昨天課審會審議大會,針對研修小組修正過後的版本再行審議,接連通過一、二輪審議,決議修正通過。最後版本除刪除國小內容,並在「學習內容」中加入媒體識讀及資訊倫理。教育部表示,科技領域課綱將盡速於一個月內依行政程序發布。.inline-ad { position: relative; overflow: hidden; box-sizing: border-box; }

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.innity-apps-reset { padding: 20px 0 0 !important; margin: -20px auto -10px !important; } 教育部昨召開課審大會續審科技領域課綱,由教育部長葉俊榮主持會議。「科技」領域是從自然學科獨立成新設領域,涵蓋生活科技與資訊科技兩門課。日前研修小組提出的領綱,向下延伸到國小,但總綱對科技領域有規定國中每周上2節課,高中為4學分,但國小未納入,因而沒有授課時數。委員表決後認為,既然總綱裡沒安排國小課程,領綱就應和總綱一致,因此退回給研修小組修改。國教署副署長戴淑芬表示,原來研修小組送審的版本,把國小的科技領域內容列在領綱,但在總綱中,國小的科技領域並沒有明列,因此課審大會希望研修小組刪除國小的內容,相關國小的學習重點也跟著分配在國中學習階段。課審委員、全教總秘書長李雅菁表示,科技領綱國小並無實施,所以課審委員要求修改名稱,原為「國民中小學暨普通高級中學科技領域」修改成「國民中學暨普通高級中學科技領域」,原領綱草案中國小階段核心素養刪除,若有涉及國高中教育階段的內容的銜接部分,ㄧ併調整。此外,課審委員也針對媒體識讀及資訊倫理部分,在相關的學習內容對應加入。包括網路錯誤訊息的判斷及傳遞的不當性,都應在課程內加強。李雅菁指出,隨著網路的發達,資訊的取得多元而且龐大,時有耳聞假訊息到處留傳,學生具有媒體識讀的能力更顯無比重要。在運用科技的方便性外,更應有系統的讓學生學習判斷訊息來源或是訊息本身是否真實,更應注意在未確認訊息真假時,不宜透過社群網站恣意傳播等的資訊倫理?

chicco Double Stroller Stroll’in’2

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