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2020-02-14 11:32:40
2019-06-18 11:48:59
2018-05-08 12:19:40

I wish we could spend more time together

Baby good night, sorry we were not able to communicate today. We had a meeting after work and i couldn't make it home on time. I want you to have my message so you don't have to be worries. I love ...

2018-05-06 19:18:13



2018-05-04 13:47:26


我愛你,不光因為你的樣子還因為,和你在一起時,我的樣子 我愛你,不光因為你為我而做的事還因為,為了你我能做到的事 我愛你,因為你能喚出我最真的那部分 我愛你,因為你穿越我心靈的曠野如同陽光穿透水晶般容...

2018-05-04 09:59:47

我的夢想~my dream

這是太陽菊花......我知道我的寶貝喜歡鮮花✿♥‿♥✿Dear baby I feel like I love you naturally with someone you love. It happens naturally and writes down what you plan to do In addition...

2018-05-02 13:11:10


#如果我消失了,我真的想知道誰會為我留下一滴眼淚。 #不要哭,親愛的朋友,生活中有許多美好的事物。 讓你看到我這樣。 這並不意味著我為這個世界而拼死。 我只是對自己感到失望,所以我選擇放棄,放手。 ...

2018-05-01 16:06:08

Have happiness~有幸福 (*○゜∀。)/☆*。*.・+★

You understand my happiness, I understand your sadness You know what I said. I understand what you mean. Fate test us, we have no right to choose We only face... Dear, I will accompany you We can...

2018-04-30 09:18:31

You know I always miss you~你知道我總是想你

Good morning baby Baby love is natural, regardless of our background, skin color or facial appearance. I cannot determine the reason I love you, but I do I told you before that it was perfect fo...

2018-04-25 11:10:42

Mood diary

How much hope I wish I was the reason for your happiness Happiness is like a butterfly, it is difficult to surrender when chasing; but when you sit down quietly, it may fall on you. There is ...

2018-04-24 10:31:22



2018-04-15 10:13:11

我累了~I'm tired

https://youtu.be/-APaxYapFOU 不要聯繫 沒有你的生活我會更快樂 不要總是期待你的消息 失望一次又一次:沒有更多的痛苦 你總是說我有一個複雜的想法 但 我的人生如此簡單 你知道我所有的旅行 - 我永遠不...

2018-04-08 10:43:21

tell me

Baby you know I can't feel alright when you're not happy. I try to guess what the problem is but I can't find any logical reasons. I really hope you'll be better tomorrow. I want you to communicate wi...

2018-04-02 17:00:42

I can't cry...

Dear Maurice... I miss you very much... I can't do anything... You face the turkey alone You told me to accept the fate of this arrangement! You will let... I can't see you? You always want me to...

2018-03-30 17:42:40

我想念妳 宝贝 ❁◕ ‿ ◕❁

宝贝我不是一个言辞太多的人与你共度一生是我的目标如果你现在很忙,我会让你有时间宝贝,我会尽一切努力来保护你 我爱你宝贝! 你和孩子是生命中给予我的最好的礼物......我不知道如何处理生活,没有给我勇气的人 ...

2018-03-15 13:37:00

Do not give up any hope~不要放棄任何希望

Dear baby: I miss you physically and mentally No matter how the problem develops, we do our best! Waiting is the only thing we can do. I know this is a cruel war for you, but you have no choice. I c...

2018-03-12 16:34:54


我們總在等一段沒有結局的愛、等一個不會跟你走到最後的人We are always waiting for a love that has no ending, waiting for someone who will not come to the end with you.

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