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2004-03-27 23:17:00| 人氣26| 回應0 | 上一篇 | 下一篇

Driving Test ^_^ Theory

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HAHA i've pass my theory test this morning so happy coz i didnt revise for it haha anyway. i still hav to take the practical test b4 i can drive. i wish i get the lience b4 summer so i can go to 'Siu Yeah' at niote wiv friends haha. but ball king and fat boy hav car to drive anyway so they can take me to siu yeah la haha

so disappointed la. my mate told me tat there is a old version (the on ein the pic is re release version)Transformers in the toy shop in leicester. i wen yesterday and it is not the one i'm looking for ......... >__< maybe i will find it in hk i hope......

Happy easter to everyone.

台長: Van
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