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2007-10-31 21:12:15| 人氣54| 回應0 | 上一篇 | 下一篇


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     Now is how?

Why is everyone’s mouth all so mean forever?

The mouth is too carefree and can’t be a lawyer?

Fiddle with the other people’s right and wrong all day, you are very
great is BE not?

You have skill to say in my in front, don’t again the dark place spread in disorder for me.


台長: ♥ 翎﹍宝贝 ﹡′
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全站分類: 工作甘苦(工作心得、創業、求職) | 個人分類: クラスメートの間&#1239 |
此分類下一篇: ))) 衰到爆‵
此分類上一篇:♪ 误 × 会 _

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