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SmarTrike Tricycle Glow 設計式樣: Schwarz
Let's discover the world! The smarTrike tricycle Glow has been designed for children at the age of ten months and up and will bring utmost comfort and ultimate driving fun into your little one's day.
The tricycle grows with your child in four different levels. At the beginning you as parents will have to push your little one until he is able to drive and steer the Glow all by himself.
The padded seat that comes with a three-point harness is perfectly safe and comfortable even for the smallest among us. A safety bar which can be removed if required, adds to more safety on your trips. The adjustable sun canopy protects your child from direct sunlight (sun canopy can also be removed if required).
Furthermore, the tricycle is equipped with footrests so that the small ones can put their feet on them to rest and relax. Older children who are able to drive the tricycle on their own can fold the footrests - this way, they don't obstruct your little racer.
The shock-absorbing rubber wheels as well as the integrated suspension contribute to a comfortable and high driving quality. The push bar is 101 cm high.
Furthermore, the push rod of the tricycle is directly connected with the steering of the front wheel which helps the one pushing the tricycle to navigate it easily. Thanks to the touch steering technology, reversing the Glow without lifting it is no problem.
The push rod of the tricycle is also equipped with a small storage bag that offers enough space to store essentials such as soother, hankies, keys etc. A large bag on the back of the Glow keeps soft toys or larger objects safe and easy to reach. A transport trough on the back of the tricycle is perfect for storing objects your little one found on his trips.
- 4 usage levels
- Padded seat surface (fabrics can be removed and washed by hand) with three-point harness
- Removable safety bar
- Footrests can be folded and unfolded
- Adjustable, removable sun canopy
- Height of push bar: 101 cm
- Shock-absorbing rubber wheels and integrated suspension
- Precise and easy steering thanks to touch steering technology
- Effortless reversing without lifting the Glow
- Plenty of space to store necessities and niceties thanks to bags and transport trough
- Suitable for children from 10 months up to approx. 36 months (maximum weight capacity: 25 kg)
Smart Trike 三輪車 Glow
ABL/夢想家阿提諾 成歸化人選?
寶島夢想家在主場拿下二連勝,開季至今六連勝,陣中洋將阿提諾6場比賽得分都超過兩位數、4場比賽拿下Double-double,有裡有外的全面表現讓不少台灣球迷印象深刻,也希望中華籃協能把他列為觀察對象,成為『新台灣人』戴維斯(Quincy Davis)之後,中華隊下一位歸化人選!夢想家領隊陳建州在電視轉播的賽後訪問表示:「只要籃協有意願,夢想家球團一定全力促成。」陳建州也透露,阿提諾很喜歡台灣,意願非常高。
▲夢想家混血後衛錢肯尼(Kenneth Chien)也有意願打中華隊。(圖/寶島夢想家提供)
除了中鋒阿提諾,夢想家陣中另一位鋒線球員錢肯尼(Kenneth Chien)也很有意願打中華隊,23歲的錢肯尼是中美混血,身高6呎3吋將近190公分,被朋友戲稱是「Half Wade Half Lin」,去年加盟夢想家後錢肯尼似乎找不到自己的定位,今年得到總教練莫瑞(Dean Murray)信任,以先發球員出賽打出身價。本季6場比賽,錢肯尼場均7.3分、2.4顆籃板和1.5次助攻,兩分球命中率43%、三分球命中率39%,是球隊不可缺少的得分點。由於錢肯尼沒能在16歲前拿到台灣護照,想披上中華隊戰袍只能佔歸化的名額,但他也很有意願長留台灣。
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一換人就崩盤 裕隆輸球李啟億扛責
梅奧驅逐出場 達欣輸台啤3連勝中斷
ABL/夢想家開季6連勝 戰績獨走
爬上自由女神 剛果移民獲釋 雙警:說服她綁安全帶
在國慶日非法爬上自由女神像底座的44歲女子奧庫穆(Therese Patricia Okoumou),被控擅闖禁地、干擾政府機構的運作、行為不檢、拒捕、以及危害自己性命和救他的兩位市警的性命等罪名,她5日在曼哈頓法院過堂時,辯稱無罪,法官准許她無保釋放。
「紐約郵報」報導,緊急服務部門警探格拉肯(Brian Glacken)和威廉斯(Christopher Williams)說,他們必須贏得奧庫穆的信任,才可以幫助她從大約150呎高的地方下來。
Smart Trike 三輪車 Glow
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