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博客來優質好書風在說 Wind Says(簡體中英對照)

風在說 Wind Says(簡體中英對照)



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底下是 風在說 Wind Says(簡體中英對照) 的內容簡介

Poet of daily life, Bai Hua comes close to the masters of the Song dynasty who, like him, found poetry everywhere. Within small things he traces before our eyes, a low voice sings — a voice that speaks of what good poetry brings: truth. After the megalomania of the twentieth century in countries like Germany, the Soviet Union and China, poetry has become the only haven for truth. Truth does not lie or sell, and neither does poetry. Such truth had to be learned and expressed through bitter years of silence; Rilke is a good example of such honest writing, and Bal Hua as well. China’s hope lies here, nowhere else.

—Wolfgang Kubin

Subtle and compelling, Bai Hua is among the best in contemporary Chinese poetry.

—David Der-wei Wang

In pacing and imagery Bai Hua’s poems are meditations on the acceleration and slowing of time as it is lived, and as the poet experiences time being measured out in wild particularities; the particulars arise in the poems like stresses in a line of an incantation.

One of the greatest pleasures of Wind Says is SzeLorrain’s consistent sensitivity to the consonant and liquid transitions between spoken phonemes in Chinese and in English, so the English words seem to resound the sensual texture of the original’s musicaliry. As a fine poet in her own right, her skillful attention to the sounds of English shows how wonderfully it can be done.

—Frank Stewart, The Poeii Behind the Poem: Translating Asian Poetry into English


Considered the central literary figure of the post-“Misty” poetry movement of the 1980s, Bai Hua was born in Chongqing in 1956. After graduating from the Guangzhou Foreign Languages Institute, he taught at various universities before starting work as an independent writer. His first book, Expression (1988), received immediate critical acclaim. A highly demanding writer, Bai Hua has composed only about ninety poems over the past thirty years, and from the late 1990s until 2007, he wrote no poetry at all. However, during this more than a decade of silence, he remained a prolific writer of prose and hybrid texts. Bai Hua has received the Rougang Poetry Award and the Anne Kao Poetry Prize.

  • 出版社:香港中文大學


  • 出版日期:2012/12/01
  • 語言:簡體中文

商品網址: 風在說 Wind Says(簡體中英對照)



1478697 2474356176326▲慢飛天使飛到奧地利參加冬季特殊奧運,不僅開闊視野更增進自我社交能力,學會自我獨立生活的能力,才是慢飛天使最大寶藏。(圖/記者黃進恭翻攝,資料照片)3313492565751176326965e965eb1e64a6d35939877e224c69d65b5



1478699 2474360176328▲慢飛天使來到縣長室難免怕生害羞,縣長徐耀昌就像和藹父親,輕聲細語和他們交談並表達祝賀。(圖/記者黃進恭攝,2017.4.7)378230431289317632872397239b596ec44fd84697b83ee4d3601de


外界難以想像,謝葦蓁笑容背後歷經多少艱辛,不僅克服身體障礙, 每天清晨,還得獨自一人騎著電動車到苑裡火車站,搭火車到台中,再轉搭公車前往台中UNIQLO門市工作,過程接受嚴格訓練,決賽時還遭國外隊友無意推擠,險些失去重心,永不放棄的她,終於奪下競速滑冰項目111M金牌,凱旋歸來。「我真的很高興喔!謝謝縣長」今天她接受縣長徐耀昌表揚並致贈禮金,喜悅之情,溢於言表。

1478703 2474364176330▲謝葦蓁笑容背後歷經多少艱辛,不僅克服身體障礙,還得每天清晨通勤從苑裡到台中上班,過程接受嚴格訓練,獲得縣長徐耀昌表揚,她笑容燦爛,如美麗向日葵。(圖/記者黃進恭攝,2017.4.7)86222474435176330c9a8c9a82cf4aebc5a63346025b7c84ca2ad



1478706 2474368176331▲仁心縣長徐耀昌希望外界應多懷抱慈悲同理包容心,關懷慢飛天使,讓弱勢小孩也能平安快樂成長。(圖/記者黃進恭攝,2017.4.7)26348091893611763319fd19fd1410005dd5bc6480dcfb53655d0e6



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