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2006-11-20 01:08:45| 人氣184| 回應1 | 上一篇 | 下一篇

Goodbye 2006

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2006對Andy球迷而言真是五味雜陳的一年,從年初滿懷希望,到澳網敗給Baghdatis的難以置信,接著北美賽事一連串的失望,紅土賽季的麻痺,草地賽季的熱血重燃,溫網第三輪出局的震驚,夏季硬地賽季的嘆息,突然他又給了Cincinnati奪冠的驚喜,而後美網打進決賽的感動,Davis Cup15-17的震撼與惋惜,室內賽季的無奈,最後上海大師盃對Federer那場的驚奇,但錯過兩個賽末點的遺憾,還有輸給Nalbandian無緣四強的懊惱,短短的一年,能帶給球迷著麼多的情緒起伏,我想也只有Andy了吧!

Cincinnati時Andy說:I definitely was questioning myself a little bit.

上海大師盃時Andy說:I think it’s night and day. You know, there was literally a practice after Wimbledon where I sat down and I couldn’t have hit the ball into an ocean from the beach much less, you know, a tennis court from the other side. I literally sat down and said, Okay, either you really get after it here or, you know, you just need to take a couple months off or something.




PS2:Bryan Twins今年完成生涯大滿貫,並且繼1983J. McEnroe後第一個全年排明第一的男雙選手,雖然大師盃連四強都沒進,但是整體而言還是成績優異的一年。自2004年Davis Cup第一次看這對兄弟打球到現在,他們從單純的一堵高牆,進步到今時愈來愈有變化的網前截擊,希望明年可以看到他們在接發球有明顯的成長,加油!

Q. James, if you have a chance to finish as the No. 1 American at the end of the year, if you won the trophy, you would go over Nikolay Davydenko as the top three? Have you noticed that?
JAMES BLAKE: No, I didn’t notice that. That’s not something I really think about right now. I just got to try to win matches, try to put this match out of my mind, and try to worry about beating David Nalbandian.
I didn’t really look at the rankings. I’m pretty proud of the way I’ve done, I’ve improved this year, whatever I was ranked at the beginning of the year, 20 something, to get up to already number 8 in the world. I’m not ever going to say I’m content with where I am, but I’m proud of the effort I made to get here. Now it’s icing on the cake. Hopefully I can keep moving forward and maybe beat David tomorrow and then see what happens in the finals.
But right now I’m just worried about David. The rankings, they’ll take care of themselves if I’m playing my kind of tennis.


台長: Anley
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我們看到了一個真的no compromise的Roddick
還是讓我們這些球迷好驕傲 不是嗎?

2006-11-21 18:32:46
是 (若未登入"個人新聞台帳號"則看不到回覆唷!)
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