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【熱門商品】ABC Design 嬰兒提籃 Hazel 省錢方法2018熱銷商品


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以下是ABC Design 嬰兒提籃 Hazel

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ABC-Design Infant Car Seat Hazel 設計式樣: leaf · 2018

The ABC-Design Infant Car Seat Hazel offers our little one a safe and snug place to cuddle up right from birth up to approx. 15 months. The neat and trendy design combined with its super easy use make it one of a kind.

Group/ weight category:

  • Group 0+

  • Suitable for babies and infants with a weight up to 13kg

  • Suitable from birth up to approx. 15 months

Conforms to the norm:

  • ECE R44/04

To fasten the ABC-Design Infant Car Seat Hazel you can either use your car's own seat belt or the ABC-Design Isofix Base (not included in the delivery!). Attaching it with the Isofix Base your Infant Car Seat will be firmly connected to the body of the car. Also you can attach the car seat with only one click and release it in the same easy way. Please keep in mind that the infant car seat must be attached in a rear facing mode at all times.

The integrated seat pad offers not only comfort but also contributes to an optimum sitting position of your child. A cushioned belt secures your little properly in its infant car seat. Due to its light weight of only 3,4 kg and an integrated carrying handle you can easily carry it around. The sun canopy included has UV-protection 50+ and thus protects your tiny human from direct sun light and cold draught.

The ABC-Design Carrycot Hazel can also be transformed into a handy travel system and thus be combined with various ABC-Design strollers. Just attach the matching adapters (not included in the delivery!) to a suitable stroller and you're ready to go.

網路熱銷商品精選優惠Product details:

  • Group 0+

  • ECE R44/04

  • Suitable from birth up to 13 kg最暢銷產品

  • Attachment via seat belt or Isofix Base (sold separately!)

  • Removable and washable cover

  • Incl. sun canopy

  • Weight: 3,4 kg

  • Matching car seat adapter are sold separately

With a matching adapter the infant car seat co-ordinates with:




ABC Design 嬰兒提籃 Hazel





第一次約會地!新人在「好市多」完婚 甜蜜又浪漫


根據《NBC 7 San Diego》等外媒報導,加州這對新人雪恩(Margot Schein)和帕里斯(Julian Parris),3年前是透過約會軟體認識。2人共同的興趣,就是愛逛好市多。當時雪恩還看到帕里斯的個人簡介,內容提到「好市多是自己最愛的約會地點之一」,所以雙方的第一次約會,就選在好市多見面。


雪恩說,「我們有很多共同點,但好市多是第一個。」上月29日,正好是2人相識3周年的紀念日,他們也選在聖地牙哥密申谷(Mission Valley)的好市多完婚。由於雙方也都是哈利波特迷,因此他們在禮服和捧花的選擇上,也都別出心裁;包括捧花是用J?K?羅琳的小說一頁一頁所摺出來的,新娘婚紗則是選擇葛萊分多的代表顏色猩紅色;新郎西裝和領帶,則選擇了雷文克勞學院的代表色,也就是藍色與青銅色。


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ABC Design 嬰兒提籃 Hazel

推薦, ABC Design 嬰兒提籃 Hazel

討論, ABC Design 嬰兒提籃 Hazel

部落客, ABC Design 嬰兒提籃 Hazel

比較評比, ABC Design 嬰兒提籃 Hazel

使用評比, ABC Design 嬰兒提籃 Hazel

開箱文, ABC Design 嬰兒提籃 Hazel

?推薦, 省錢方法2018熱銷商品ABC Design 嬰兒提籃 Hazel

評測文, ABC Design 嬰兒提籃 Hazel

CP值, ABC Design 嬰兒提籃 Hazel

評鑑大隊, ABC Design 嬰兒提籃 Hazel

部落客推薦, ABC Design 嬰兒提籃 Hazel

好用嗎?, ABC Design 嬰兒提籃 Hazel


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