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Where is the Blood Raven in Diablo 2 Resurrected?

Blood Raven is the first boss that players need to fight in Act 1. Many new players can't find the location of this boss. Cheap Diablo 2 Resurrected Items For Sale on MMOSO and it will share the location of Diablo 2 Resurrected Blood Raven for everyone. Let's take a look.

Diablo 2 Resurrected Blood Raven location sharing

Blood Raven is the quest objective of the second quest in Act 1, located in The Cold Plains - The Burial Grounds.

Since Diablo 2 Resurrection refreshes the map every time it starts, the location of the Blood Raven for each player is not fixed, but the method of finding it can be universal.

The map of Diablo 2 Resurrected is linear, that is to say, the Cold Plains must be behind the Rogue Encampment, just follow the map all the way to a location like a trail, past is the next area.

Compared to the next area, The Stony Field, the Burial Grounds in the Cold Plains is a much closer place, and it is a cemetery.

When the player sees the Burial Grounds, he has already found the Blood Raven, which is in the middle of Burial Grounds.

The above is the content shared by MMOSO today. The cheap D2R Items from MMOSO are on hotting sales, come and order now!

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