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2008-05-05 21:34:13| 人氣54| 回應0 | 上一篇 | 下一篇


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Tried to take a picture of love
Didn’t think I’d miss her that much
I wanna fill this new frame
But it’s Empty

Tried to write a letter in ink
It’s been getting better I think
I got a peice of paper
But it’s Empty,It’s Empty

Maybe we’re trying,Trying to hard
Maybe we’re torn apart
Maybe the timing is beating our hearts
We’re Empty

And I even wonder if we
Should be getting under these sheets
We could lie in this bed
But it’s Empty,It’s Empty

Maybe we’re trying,Trying too hard
Maybe we’re torn apart
Maybe the timing is beating our hearts
We’re Empty

Oh, oh.

Oh, oh.

Oh, oh, oh, oh, oh.

Oh, oh.

Oh, oh.

Maybe we’re trying,Trying too hard
Maybe we’re torn apart
Maybe the timing is beating our hearts
We’re Empty

(Maybe we’re trying,Trying to hard)
(Maybe we’re torn apart)

台長: tyus
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