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2007-02-22 18:56:16| 人氣26| 回應0 | 上一篇 | 下一篇


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so long didnt login here!! last few days i went back china to visit my grandfather. on the way back to there in my mind full is his face. i didnt know why his face just come in my mind!! am i miss him? i can say that i do. however, lots of things is gone!! lots of things cant look back!! because i have my new life and he has his new life. i believe that he has a wonderful time with his gf!! sometimes i was so angry with him but my emotion is just between happy and frastare.. i still miss him !! lots of memories are still in my mind!!

想念一個人 , 需要衝動的感覺

思念一個人 , 需要深刻的烙印

接近一個人 , 需要滿懷的誠意

愛上一個人 , 需要十足的勇氣

放棄一個人 , 談何容易!!!

台長: Heha
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