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2005-08-13 10:01:39


unhappy unhappy unhappy....... my feeling come back again..... i want to cry becuase of relationship. i have really strong feeling that is my heart is break again again again.... A couple of days,...

2005-08-13 09:39:07


TRUST what is the meaning of TRUST?? from my studying, trust is to believe other people so trust is importnat in the human dymanic. this can be in company, school, relationship and everywhere. ...

2005-08-11 04:31:30

Snowing Snowing Snowing

yesterday, i saw snowing outside my window that was really nice and placeful. however, the weather was really cold. later on i went out Churuchill i saw the whole mounit which was the snow. Snow Sn...

2005-08-06 07:33:03

Snow CAmp ---COLD

yesterday, i went back the snow camp that was really really cold. you couldnt though that was so cold. the snow is really nice and paceful however, cold + strong windy + snowing = Chilliest. especill...

2005-07-30 14:56:12

meet with wong sir

today wong sir with his daughter came Gippsland and visited me. thank you for coming and cooked the dumplings for me that is really nice. i brought them to the lake, power station and visited my cam...

2005-07-28 09:32:32


DISAPPOINTED DISAPPOINTED DISAPPOINTED DISAPPOINTED!!!!!! today, i am going to the snow camp and i had packed all my gear last night. i also had prepared our lunch for 3 girls. we were looking for ...

2005-07-24 10:37:29

Windy Day

today, the weather is so windy and cold. i can feel the winter already in Gippsland. yesterday, i chated with my classmates and we found that Gippsland is a boring location. we didnt know what ...

2005-07-23 09:36:40


yesterday, i went to city again that should be a happy trip. however, i didnt call my bf and tell him my timetable. when i call him that was my 10 oclock. and that we went to watch the movie. actuall...

2005-07-20 21:15:37

New start again 1

after the holiday, everything is gone. my boyfriend went back hongkong almost one mouth and i went back Ayers rock had one week. the time gone so fast. i came to Austraila for studying that had 4 ye...

2005-06-13 06:15:08


05月27日 5月27日出生的人分為兩種,一種全心投注於一個理想或社會架構,另一種完全專注在自我成長與發展上。無論哪一種,他們都是全心向前衝刺,並且專精於某一特定領域。這些人非常需要和他人溝通,因此...

2005-06-12 14:31:05


tmr is my last paper i am really looking forward because i want to start my holiday. my first paper that was good but i am little bit worry about last paper. anyway i think i can handle it. HARDWORK...

2005-04-15 18:18:39

The WeaThEr Is Change

this year the weather is quite hot but since yesterday it is change. i can feel winter is already here, however i cant feel warm in there yet, why? one more week i am going back hongkong again. ev...

2005-04-09 17:54:43


我很討厭說謊的人, 尤其是他們所做的一切.... 之後, 又問吟又點. 你有沒有問一下自己是否對??  如果你真的喜歡說謊的話, 請你問一下自己是否有需要說這般美麗的謊言. 還有, 我可以看穿你的眼睛...

2005-04-03 15:51:17


又一個星期!! 復活節又過了. 我都唔知道做過什麼. 不過, 我都個了一分功課. 但是, 其他的東西就沒有. i know that is not really good but i have try my best to do something. at least, i read ...

2005-03-28 14:02:33

my room

finally, i move my desk because i felt sick my studying postion. now i feel better and i want to study more. i really slack off. i dont do my best on my studying and time is gone so fast. therefore,...

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