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2003-10-08 12:58:35| 人氣47| 回應0 | 上一篇 | 下一篇

Little Pumpkins

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Halloween is around the corner so we decided to make something fun to celebrate this Western Ghost Holiday other than trick-of-treat.

These pumpkin cakes (南瓜糕) are easy to make and can be either sweet or salty depending on personal preferences. Using whatever I could found in my refrigerator and cupboards, these cakes are made with red bean pastry inside. Without any additional sugar, it is healthy and less fat.

½ small pumpkin
300g yam powder

1. Peel and dice pumpkin into small pieces and steam until cooked through; mash while warm
2. Stir in yam powder into (1) (when (1) is still warm) and make a dough soft as earlobes
3. Roll the dough into long rounded shape and divide up in 25 pieces
4. Stuff with red bean pastry (or whatever you want to wrap inside) and make its shape round
5. Steam with low heat in 10 minutes

Kristie loves everything I made, which makes me feel really good. With a little eater as she is, cooking and baking is more fun to me! She is the driving force of my learning to try out all recipes I could collect.

台長: 吳小亭(Jessie)
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