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2005-05-19 07:15:09| 人氣45| 回應0 | 上一篇 | 下一篇


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I am a Strength.
I am a say of seeing life
To focus on what is good and positive.

When most people hear my name,
they think of muscles and force.
I am those things, true,
but I am also so much more.

I am the glass that is half full
rather than the one that is half empty.
I am the child who is creative
rather than the one who makes a mess.
I am the neighbor who is concerned
rather than the one who is meddlesome.
I am the co-worker who is flexible
rather than the one who keeps changing their mind.

I am the platform
on which you can build
your dreams
for I am the promise of tomorrow,
the hope of today,
and the wisdom of yesterday.

I am many things
seen through many eyes.
What I want most is to be seen
and then recognized.

*Author Unknown

台長: Ar Ian
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