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Lintex\' Profile


Lintex was stablished in 1982.We had 39 years’ experience in the field of lock, security devices and accessories industry.

Our products are designed in US & Taiwan and manufactured 100% in Taiwan to ensure presenting best quality, IP (intellectual property) protection, and added values to our partners.

Lintex products are designed in US & Taiwan and 100% MIT to ensure presenting best quality, IP (intellectual property) protection, and added value to our partners. Moreover, with Lintex’s long term partnership with well-known brands, such as AcerDELLHP….etc., Lintex is proven to be quick-responded to constant changes of customer projects, and capable of providing solutions for cost saving or productivity improvement.

With dedicated professionalism, a passion for manufacturing security devices and computer accessories, and by working closely with both partners and clients, we are constantly expanding and developing new markets, enabling worldwide user to enjoy user-friendly and high quality Lintex products.



Lintex Co., Ltd. 



TEL:+8864 8366236

FAX:+8864 8367490


Addreess: No. 46, Ln. 538, Sec. 1, Yuandong Rd., Yuanlin City, Changhua County 510032 , Taiwan (R.O.C.)

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