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Help needed

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From:The Florida chapter of the ALS association
Date:April 2, 2004
By Dara M. Alexander, President

April 2, 2004

ALS Association family and friends

Dara M. Alexander, President

Help needed

The March 9 episode of The Guardian -- featuring the character portrayed by Alan Rosenberg receiving a diagnosis of ALS is getting strong support in the ALS community. We are now establishing an alliance with the show that we anticipate will result in a solid relationship with the creators and access to Alan for various opportunities. Alan visited the National Office recently to meet with patients and patient services staff from the Los Angeles Chapter in an effort to refine his character for future episodes.

You can help us as we mobilize a letter writing campaign to support this show and keep the storyline “on the air”. This show plans to continue with the ALS theme if it gets picked up next season. The attached letter has been approved and endorsed by the show's creator at CBS. Also is a list of CBS executives to direct the letters to their attention.

Thanks for your help in creating awareness about ALS.






I am one of the thousands of people in the United States whose life has been transformed by amyotrophic lateral sclerosis, or Lou Gehrig’s disease. As a member of this very large community, I am writing to express my support of The Guardian as a program that has raised public awareness of this devastating disease with the most sensitive and accurate portrayal of a person with ALS in recent television history.

There are 30,000 people with this disease today in America , and many thousands more are impacted by the ravages of ALS, from family members to caregivers to friends to health care professionals.

The March 9 episode that featured Alvin learning that he has been diagnosed with this progressive, neurodegenerative disease served as a great beacon of light coming from The Guardian to our country.

Alan Rosenberg’s emotional and realistic performance has provided new hope throughout the ALS community that a television program of the caliber of The Guardian can focus the spotlight on the need for more research funding and expanded services for those affected by the disease. The sensitive portrayal of Alvin ’s character provides the awareness needed to accomplish these objectives in the search for treatments and a cure for ALS.

Even before the ALS episode, The Guardian has proven itself to be a unique television show that rises above what is normally seen on the air.

Please keep the beacon of light fixed on The Guardian and its excellent story lines. In opening the hearts of viewers with compassion and realism, you are giving viewers the programming qualities that they are looking for in good television.

Thank you,

The Guardian: CBS Executives List for Mail Campaign

Leslie Moonves

Chairman & CEO, CBS Television

7800 Beverly Blvd.

Los Angeles , CA 90036

Nancy Tellem

President, CBS Entertainment

7800 Beverly Blvd.

Los Angeles , CA 90036

Nina Tassler

7800 Beverly Blvd.

Los Angeles , CA 90036

David Stapf

Senior VP, Current Programs

7800 Beverly Blvd.

Los Angeles , CA 90036

Glenn Geller

Director, Current Programs

7800 Beverly Blvd.

Los Angeles , CA 90036

Eric Timm

CBS Productions

Executive Vice-President

7800 Beverly Blvd.

Los Angeles , CA 90036

Mike Azzolino

Director, Drama Series

7800 Beverly Blvd

Los Angeles , CA 90036

Leigh London

Manager (Drama)

7800 Beverly Blvd.

Los Angeles , CA 90036

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