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2009-02-11 10:23:23| 人氣186| 回應0 | 上一篇 | 下一篇

Catching up / Spice up! & Balancing

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The last day of the 2009 January sneaks behind my back without any warning. Before I realize today is the last day of the 2009 Jan., I am on it already. My to-do list has not been updated for days. My schedule of this semester seems busier, and yet I have not caught up with the rhythm.


It is hard to get up in the morning. Gradually, I am having some trouble falling asleep during bedtime, partly due to the stress of the lab session and partly due to the low level of motivation. As human being, I want to be a good teacher, which means to help my students effectively. (We all want to make a difference, don’t we?) As human being, the more we know about the world, the less we feel excited. (There is no fresh thing under the sun.) Luckily, deadlines pre-scheduled always push us forward, more or less.


Adam first lives on his own, having his own apartment. “Like a real adult,” said he, “the downside is that I feel lonely sometimes”. “Welcome to adults’ world!” I teased him. To me, it is pricy to rent a one-bedroom-one-bathroom apartment. Yet, the ownership of the space is worthy. Unlike my mother, I sometimes invited friends over for a meal or a little gathering, for that is what I appreciate what my friends do to me as well.



Spice Up!

New hobby: baking cookies (usually not following the recipe, but improvising, that’s kind fun); using my small oven to bake salmon together with vegis (it’s colorful and tasty and healthy~)






To what and when I should say “yes,” and to what and when I should say “no”?

When is a cup of coffee for the day enough?

When is playing badminton once a week enough?

What type of compromise am I willing to deal with life?


Sometimes, we ask questions, so we can escape from answering or facing any. When is time to stop running away?


On my way home, I turned on the music of my red ipod really loud and sang along. Sing it out or dance it out or act it out.


Where is the boundary? How come the learning curve of living so deep? What is the difference between heart and mind? Do God give me enough wisdom to tell the difference? Do I have enough courage to change what I can change and accept what I cannot change?  When has greed devoured me?


Whenever and whatever it is, I know, for sure, I can always turn to the God in whom I lay my trust, and say, “It is well, with my soul.”

台長: Tao
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