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2002-10-16 12:37:45| 人氣21| 回應0 | 上一篇 | 下一篇

screw the I.M class man!

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Actually, i weren't always listenning to the teacher @ class, but due to the fact that tomorrow, i have to hand in a stupid assignment, again, i have to wake up early tomorrow morning to finish it.

Sigh, i was late for class today, stepped in not even one minute, the teacher announced:" okay everybody put your book under the chair". A great shock hit in my brain, "man, don't need to be that quick". Although i feel that i did well in the first part of the test but the second part was quite hard. It took me 20min to finish it. My friend beside me, needs 30 minutes and the rest of the class, 15min or less. of course they are smart people. haha.

I think i need to do more exercises for math, otherwise i will be very screwed for thursday's test. Plus, geography assgnm for friday. Need more cells to fill out my energy stock.

People, let's work hard!!!

Sorry again, no picutre this time, i can't find any nice picture to put in it. Plus, my DC sux! so, probably when i'm feeling more okay, i would add one.

台長: 悟小孫
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