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2013-01-11 10:35:41| 人氣1,534| 回應1 | 上一篇 | 下一篇


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An opportunity provided by the goodness of life. 

Picture a friendly and laughing girl from Dongshi County, who converted to Buddhism and took the Buddhist name “Xiyi.” 

Whilst she leaned her head and whispered, the simple happiness of every word sprang forth from her lips. 

Despite the impermanence of life, she continually engenders new ideas and eventually transforms fluctuating emotions into a deep sense of gratitude for all things. Hence the name Jien Si Dong Se (JSDS) was born, meaning “joy in the east. ” 

We are inspired by gratitude and believe that fate has brought us together to enjoy food with delight. 

  • 商家名稱:見喜東舍鮮素料理
  • 商家類型:精緻美食
  • 地區分類:南部地區
  • 商家地址:813高雄市左營區高雄市左營區明誠二路369號
  • 營業時間:11:00-14:00/ 17:00-21:00
  • 官方網站:www.jsds.com.tw
  • 美食月網址:http://www.taiwantaste.net/webc/html/store/show.aspx?num=102&kind=1&area=3&use=area

台長: 台灣美食
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