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8/17 Mary Taipei escort incall &outcall

Mary💋►WeChat : taipei58 💋►Line: taipei58💋

💋►Skype: lovemm58 💋►Whatsapp : 00886-939987582 💋

💋►iMessage : 00886-939987582 💋►Price 6000 NTD /hr 💋

💋►165CM / C CUP / 23Y 💋

I love to play the game of seduction; building sexual tension and feeling it explode is my favorite moment and you should be there too ;) Naughty but still super nice...I'm exactly what they mean when they say "lady on the street, freak in the sheets" So come on! The magic that happens in between here, there and everywhere pls call me Mary.

台長: Jessica
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全站分類: 台灣旅遊(台澎金馬)

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