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2005-01-04 22:21:36| 人氣28| 回應0 | 上一篇 | 下一篇


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But I do Love you

I don't like to Be alone in the night
And I don't like to Hear I'm wrong when I'm right
And I don't like to Have the rain on my shoes
But I do love you But I do love you
I don't like to See the sky painted gray
And I don't like whenNothing's going my way
And I don't like to Be the one with the blues
But I do love you But I do love you

Love everything about the way you're loving me
The way you lay your head upon my shoulder when you sleep
And I love to kiss you in the rain I love everything you do Oh I do

I don't like to Turn the radio on
Just to find I Missed my favorite song
And I don't like to Be the last to hear the news
But I do love you But I do love you
Love everything about the way you're loving me
The way you lay your head upon my shoulder when you sleep
And I love to kiss you in the rain I love everything you do
Oh I do
And I don't like to Be alone in the night
And I don't like to Hear I'm wrong when I'm right
And I don't like to Have the rain on my shoes
But I do love you But I do love you But I do love you But I do love you

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