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最沉穩的新秀,最值得期待的電影 陳秀玉 女/性/性別二部曲,一張票價,兩部電影 3月4日-11日,台北光點見 青春篇:那年夏天的浪聲(電影版),60分 * 金馬獎最佳短片提名 * 金鐘獎最佳女配角提名周幼婷、黃曉若共同主演 熟女篇:秋天的藍調,48分 * 金馬獎最佳女主角提名 * 金穗獎最佳劇情片 女主角王琄是史上第一位以短片榮獲金馬獎最佳女主角提名, 與楊貴媚、章子怡、張艾嘉同台競技 2/4日開始預售,售票請洽兩廳院售票系統、台北光點 洽詢電話請撥:02-2511-7786
| 2005-02-12 12:51:23
Hey I saw the film dogville like a year ago on DVD and I had a discussion with my friend Steven who is also my essay teacher. He knows a lot about movies. And he told me that the director of dogville is antiAmerican and the characters we saw in this Movies are representing middle east people and the US. It's really ironic to know that Osama Bin Laden was actually trained by the US government to fight for them in 1990 (maybe... I couldnt recall) and you see Grace is something really similar to those people like Binladen. People take advantages from you for themsleves and once their goals were reached these people who worked for them have been kicked out of the system. Well... I just wanted to say that I agree on the idea the director wanted to show.
| 2005-01-23 17:36:39

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