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The development of new energy vehicles road


   "Economic half-hour" will focus on new energy vehicles. September 2, Vice Minister of Industry in 2011 China Automotive Industry Development International Forum, said China has become the world's first automotive power, as China's important pillar industry, automobile industry, China's economic development will play an increasingly more important role. However, the environment and resource consumption in the future we must develop new energy vehicles, and hopes to develop new energy vehicles a national strategy. At present, China's new energy auto production and sales of exactly what kind of situation? Reporters in Shanghai and Shenzhen in the survey. The two cities currently enjoy subsidies for new energy vehicles.


    1, Shanghai,booster cable Shenzhen difficult to promote new energy vehicles


    The end of April this year, Shanghai became China's first international model city electric vehicle, Jiading District, is designated as an international electric vehicle demonstration area. Correspondent there saw the first electric car users Zhu, Shanghai Jiading Automobile City she was a staff member,power cord in early April this year, Zhu began listing on the road. Electric car users Zhu told reporters that his general performance of new energy vehicles can, short distance, then it is indeed very useful, but the only electronic assembly limitation is that far away now.


    The end of 2010, the Shanghai Municipal Government and the State Grid Corporation plans to build 360 charging pile, but now has just completed nearly 50 charging pile, and basically located in the Jiading Anting Automobile City within a radius of ten kilometers. Zhu said that electric car users, only in the unit in charge now, home is not convenient. And his car's endurance total is 100 km, opened out on the come back,trouble light because the Shanghai district where there is no charge.


    June 2010, the state for Shanghai, Hangzhou, Changchun, Shenzhen, Hefei five city implementation of the private purchase of new energy vehicles subsidies. While electric cars have the highest per 60,000 yuan of subsidies, but only a pure electric car sold in Shanghai 10, and are purchased directly from manufacturers, Shanghai market has no new energy vehicles, point of sale. Reporters interviewed several people in Shanghai, they are reflected if the price is reasonable, post facilities to keep up, you can consider buying.


    In Shanghai, even though electric cars have the highest per 60,000 yuan subsidy. But the price, the price of new energy vehicles are still the same type of car than the traditional expensive. Electric car users Zhu told reporters that his car, the cost of subsidies to buy 60 000 two thousand dollars. Contrast 4S shops, traditional car is less than 40,000. Cost is much higher than conventional cars. Now mainly electricity, electricity is certainly much cheaper than fuel costs.


    Reporters learned that efforts to promote electric vehicles in Shenzhen is the largest city, currently only in the residential area on the installation of more than 2100 charging pile, the Shanghai facility is currently charging 40 times, so Shenzhen's electric vehicle situation? Shenzhen Luohu district can park, the property management office staff told reporters that in November 2010 to start the installation area has been charging pile, has been installed in the underground garage 96 charge pile. Reporters following the staff came to see the underground garage, in charge of parking spaces in front of the pile is not empty on the fuel truck is parked, not an electric car. Reporters interviewed several of the district where the owners, they also expressed their own views. Shenzhen public Wang said: not now consider buying electric cars, because the personal feeling of electric vehicle technology, but relevant. Around friends did not buy, because the utilization is not high, with basically no one. Ms Lau said that the people of Shenzhen: now supporting facilities is not complete, and sometimes can not find out where charging up, as fuel for cars convenient.


    Ring Road side of the main roads in Shenzhen Antoine Hill charging station, it is empty, do not see a car in charge of an hour, the reporter only see an electric taxis to charge. Afterward, the reporter arrived at the center of Longgang District, Grand Canal charging station, the staff told reporters that the daily average of about fifteen units of electric charge over a taxi, but rarely encountered over the charging of private cars. ShenZhen Power Supply Bureau, deputy director with Xiaoping told reporters that the efficient use of the charging station is not too high, the city of Shenzhen statistics such vehicles is currently around 380 in Shenzhen for personal use about 100 vehicles.

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