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Hippo Mills backdrop

When 26 twelve weeks aged Arthur Collins stepped ashore in Durban in 1892, it absolutely was almost unquestionably not using the intention of creating products that 94 many years later on would nevertheless be in terrific demand.

His key role as resident engineer owning a Nigel gold mine lasted for 5 many years preceding to he moved to Pietermaritzburg to arranged up a set for himself like a millwright and blacksmith. it absolutely was right here that he pioneered a good offer belonging toward the machinery used using the Wattle Bark Industry. several of those devices are nevertheless in use to this day.

When his boy Frank was aged enough to be a member of his fathers business, they turned their joint attentions toward the specifications belonging toward the farmers. Arthur Collins was an exceptional engineer with an inventive turn of mind. He was also farsighted enough to realise that agriculture would inevitably turn a good offer more as well as a good offer more to mechanisation as demands upon the business heightened using the coming years. Consequently his preoccupation with farm machinery took the majority of his time and effort.

In 1902 "ARTHUR COLLINS&SON" exhibited their products on the regal agricultural show. to the pursuing fifty odd many years the small set was a frequent exhibitor and their devices won lots of gold, silver and bronze awards at this well-known yearly event.

Perhaps their very best achievement was in 1928 once the two father and boy pooled their talents to create the important thing actually South African produced hammer mill. this was so effective concerning engender considerable stress from neighborhood farmers to create a good offer more as well as a good offer more mills. In 1931 the important thing three "assembly line" variants experienced been completed. These mills experienced been made into wooden frames. it absolutely was at this time how the well-known "HIPPO"trade mark was born. these times the name Hippo is synonymous owning a broad range of agricultural equipment-evidence belonging toward the exceptional a reputation that these devices appreciate among the South African farmers.

In 1958 Arthur Collins died, leaving a legacy of a massive selection of mills in use all over the country. (Most of that are nevertheless in use to this day). Frank, his son, took over the reins and also to the following eleven many years guided the set by method of an uninterrupted time period of progress and prosperity. He started out looking previous the borders belonging toward the republic for just about any wider a good offer more challenging market. Frank Collins retired in 1969 and now A.C.TRADING cc. are carrying on using the identical spirit of pattern and progress which has marked the backdrop of Arthur Collins&son.

Notes: The name "HIPPO"came from the hippo referred to as "HUBERT" which on the time the important thing hammer mill experienced been designed was major to havoc with farmers by devouring farm produce.

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