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2011-02-28 11:57:15| 人氣13| 回應0 | 上一篇 | 下一篇
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補習-Sichuan--May Peace Be with You All

24EN編者按:愛思網友Effie Yu---一個如今在澳洲求學的四川女孩兒,特意在5.12汶川大地震一周年到來之際,發來了對家鄉最誠摯的祝福!


It is the anniversary of the devastating Sichuan earthquake. While the whole world is submerged in its financial crisis, what the natural disaster has done shall never fade away from our memories.

Recall from last May, we as last year university students were just busy preparing for thesis and graduation. Our life would be as normal as what we expected, travelling amongdorm, library and internship workplace, chatting about the latest employment conference over lunch... All of a sudden, it was like the devil furiously tore the beautiful scene apart, loved ones lost, homes destroyed… Being right around the area where this tragedy happened, I have experienced the life changing event because of the overwhelmed panic back then which still has a huge impact on me.

You would never think of such thing happened to you in your lifetime, neither would you really realize how weak the mankind is compared to the rage of demon. However, it is also all of a sudden, love from all over the world began to strive against and overcome this difficult time, especially for the Chinese community. not to mention the donations of all kinds from everywhere throughout the country, not to mention even the volunteers who gave up everything to enter into the ruins where pandemic potentials were high, as for me, the mere impression of how people gathered in Tian an men square and shouted aloud together “China, be strong! Wenchuan, fight on!” would be as fresh even one year later.

We have seen a nation of great courage and determination. And this nation will indeed soar like the eagle that it’ll never be defeated. Because we are the nation who has the light of love, that will dispel all fears and dark nesses.

May peace be with you all.

Tag: 補習

台長: Susie
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