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1. Rome --> conservative
2. pride (hubris)
3. in- 否定的字首 ex:inadequacy
4. omni- :all
5. -potent :power
6. omnipotent --> all powerful
7. com- :together ex:incompotent
8. dramatic tension
9. dramatic irony
10. Tragedy:a form of art on human suffering
11. Greek chrous:ideal spectator
12. hubris:extreme haughtiness
13. pro- :forward
14. trait:special feature
15. You've gone too far.  你太超過了!
16. Psalm 23 --> Geroge Bush
17. en- :put into
18. sabbath (n) 安息日
19. men:bread-winner
20. women:labor
21. The first murder:Cain killed his brother,Abel.
22. Cain:Am I my brother keeper?
23. The Flood --> last 40 days
24. prophet Noah --> Noah's Ark
25. raven --> omen
26. dore --> peace,apeace --> olive
27. rainbow --> 上帝與人民約定,不再用"洪水"摧毀世界
28. The Origin of Language --> The tower of Bable


1. confession (n) 懺悔
2. rational (adj) 理性的
3. inadequacy (n) 不足夠
4. omnipotent (adj) 全能的
5. incompotent (adj) 不適任的
6. impotent (adj) 陽痿的
7. spectator (n) 觀眾
8. protagonist (n) 主角
9. fall (n) 秋天
10. falls (n) 瀑布
11. clay (n) 黏土
12. serpent (n) 響尾蛇
13. cobra (n) 眼鏡蛇
14. fig (n) 無花果
15. eternity (n) 永恆
16. ark (n) 方舟
17. screening (n) 放映,播放
18. carry on 繼續做(某事)
19. haphzardly (adv) 隨意地
20. junk (v) 丟棄
21. presume (n) 假設
22. grimy (adj) 骯髒的
23. skyrocket (v) 飛漲
24. unabashed (adj) 不害羞的
25. portray (v) 扮演

台長: Susan
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