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Breakfast Question: Little changes you want on Patch 5 various.1
I can admit, approximately I love different patches, I am unable to get at the same time excited about the new content priced patch Several.1. GW2 Power Leveling I am even halfway done with every one of the new Mists with Pandaria content. May possibly dailies to run, valor points to bring in, raids to finish. How one can get on all of the patch A few.1 prepare yet?Regardless, I nevertheless love wondering on adjustments. Right now, in spite of this, I'm not preoccupied with the big things, like large balance adjusts and innovative content. I will be thinking of small tweaks they will make that would really help me personally out.I reckon the biggest matters for me center around bag location. I'd wish to see Less significant Charms of excellent Fortune turn out to be currency to ensure that they didn't confusion up my very own bags a lot of. While you're advertising online, make Gained Artifacts directly into currency likewise. For that matter, produce a nice, hassle-free, 24 or possibly 26 slot machine bag menu using Windwool Wash rag so I am not stuck saving expensive yoga mats and anxiously grinding June GW2 Power Leveling EU Celestials rep on my tailor just for a chance with more banking institution space anytime before buy.What smaller changes, changes that don't in fact affect amount or add major swathes of brand new content, so you'll want to see within patch 5 various.1?
Breakfast every day Topic: Tiny changes you desire in Patch 5.Just one

台長: guild wars 2 power levelingazdfas
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