我的超級大本命. I Love Severus Snape!!!!!
note: +我喜歡++我愛
King of Fat by Rinsbane (pst-HBP, NC-17, livejournal friend-locked)
Parseltongue, bacon, salt, and oranges. The world is divided into terms black and white for Snape. Some things are beautiful. What is not beautiful is ugly. And what is beautiful may garner to itself all the power and pleasure in the world. Snape has pursued beauty all the days of his life, take him where it will. 這篇我實在很難說明... 甚至很難說我喜歡不喜歡, 但我知道這篇對於Severus Snape這個人HP這個同人圈而言非常地重要. Rinsbane筆下的石內卜有一種特質: 喪心病狂, 偏執, 到了一種旁人所不能理解非正常的境界. 作者是個很厲害的寫手, 文章總是如夢似幻, 以一種很混沌很不安的心情. 這是一種不能錯過的體驗. (如果讀完發現合胃口, 另外推薦Butter Mountain, Curdled Mountain和The Apple)
Thyself a Memory by Nimori (post-HBP, PG-13, angst)
Snape must remember himself before he becomes a pawn in another kind of war. 講到Nimori絕不能不提她很早之前寫的Idle Hands, 非常邪惡的石哈(Harry好像才year two吧?), 有興趣的請去找找. 記憶喪失的題材很熱門, 我也承認自己對這題材很沒抵抗力. 我喜歡這篇的文筆手法, 字句簡單但是表達深刻. 重點是這樣的Snape其實很貼! 尤其是拿來跟DH之後的石教授比的話...
Severus Snape and the Ghostwritten Romance by Cluegirl (also 哈跩 Harry/Draco, AU, NC-17)
A Snarry Pastiche for Cyrano DeBergerac. 依一齣戲劇改編的架空Snarry, 因此大家都突然感覺說起話來很有張力, 但是這裡的角色沒有不合或是突兀的(雖然說我也沒看過Cyrano). 其實我會推薦這篇... 主要是因為裡面的Draco; 有一種笨拙又可愛的感覺. 看他在那邊慘兮兮, 頭頂滴下褐色染料, 在油膩膩的中國餐館裡埋頭吃牛肉炒麵, 就有一種莫名的可憐/可愛.
Train Songs by schemingreader (Pre-DH, NC-17)
After the war is over, Harry and Severus meet on the train from Paris to Istanbul. 這讀起來就像一趟旅程. 當想要被遠遠拋開時... 穿越過黑暗的隧道或是流水, 或許, 離開熟悉的一切吧. 在包廂內分享酒與麵包, 窗外的景物一直流逝. 旅程最後會到達哪裡一點也不重要, 重要的是座位旁的人.
+Le Lien des Beaux Rêves by Cybele (NC-17)
Severus and Harry take a nap at Dumbledore’s insistence. 這篇好深刻甜蜜. 很早期的作品了, 寫在鳳凰會之前, 天哪. 但是這兩人在睡夢中的思想交流好讚! 而且看過石教授的經歷之後會覺得他非常需要人的憐愛. ...當然哈利絕對會給他. 裡面節錄的Mylene Farmer歌詞非常適合: In me, in me you whom I love / Tell me, tell me when it’s not all right / There is nothing else which governs us / Tell me how many times.
Outside the Lines by Meri (NC-17)
Snape will do anything to be free of the Dark Lord. Even if he is straight. 要擊敗佛地魔的方法是聚合魔力, 然後當然有所謂的sex magic. 但石教授是異性戀...! 我喜歡這故事進展的方式, 不會太快也不會太慢, 感覺也很合理. 我特別喜歡後半段哈利需要石教授來鎮靜自己魔力的地方... 還蠻可愛的. 喔還有, 哈利日後的志向. 他在這邊給人的感覺能力強大但重點是非常可靠溫暖.
Hello, Half-Blood Prince by sinick & ac1d6urn (Rated General, WIP)
The end of Harry’s seventh year, the Wizarding World is now freed from Voldemort. Meanwhile, in a Muggle town a snowy owl finds a fugitive from Wizarding Justice. What news does its letter bring? A project collabartion between sinick and acidburn. 從HBP之後到現在還沒完成, 我在想可能是因為到後期裡頭的某些角色反應變的有點太over(Hedwig), 或是Snape跟Harry之間的認知互動轉變得太迅速, 太’甜’...(這裡的Snape過於溫柔= =) 但是每次讀她們的東西都很感動啊, 因為她們的作品以小細節見長, 加上很用心製作的圖像, 讀起來非常享受. 這篇的故事其實也很不錯, 可以說是蠻純的romance. 我超喜歡那篇crossword的.
+Folly by Sinope (PG-13)
”Professor Snape’s mouth always tastes of firewhisky when he kisses Harry.” Ficlet. 我愛死了Sinope的文! 另一篇她寫的Negatives我幾乎是三天兩頭就回去讀一次. 我喜歡她簡短迅速, 但是很支離夢幻, 片狀意像般的風格. 這篇也沒讓我失望, 讀完真是既痛苦又甜蜜, 嘖嘖...
Clipped Wings by Teka Lynn (AU, PG-13)
In the aftermath of catastrophe, Harry deals with survivor’s guilt and finds hope for himself and others. 有一段歷史的作品, 我數年前看過竟然忘記要做推薦... 這個世界最後結果是麻瓜勝利了, 他們奪走了所有魔法, 並且把殘餘的巫師巫女拿來當作奴隸使用. Harry, 成為唯一一位還有魔法能力的巫師, 但也因為勢單力薄, 只能隱居於麻瓜人群裡. 然後他有一天在奴隸拍賣廣場上看到Snape. 很令人印象深刻的故事, 灰暗但是有希望, 我喜歡.
The Perfect Wife by Nesting Hedwig (also 魯石 Lucius/Snape, AU, NC-17)
A schoolteacher at a private boy’s school in the late 1800’s is forced into an arranged marriage by his overbearing uncle. There is no such thing as magic. This is not an Mpreg. 作者Nesting Hedwig寫了一個'從小被當作女生養大的Harry'. 四平八穩, 有意思的故事. 雖然說, 在性別議題的處理之上我比較挑剔. 例如, 作者隨意地把'homosexual'這個字放入1800s的英國社會環境之中是不正確的, 因為在那個時候還沒有'同性戀'這種特定的詞, 擁有特定的含義.
Slippey Slope by Juxian Tang (R, fisting, dirty talk)
"'You're dripping semen on my bed,' Harry says. 'From your ass.'" 如果心臟不夠強請勿入. 這篇... 我不怎麼會說, 也許是因為Harry說的話實在是太難聽了, 我讀的時候印象超深刻. 作者Juixan Tang也蠻有名的, 文筆一直以來都很直接明確, 有時這種真實感會令人感覺不舒服, 但這是她的風格.
An Awfully Odd Adventure by DementorDelta (AU, R)
In which a classic is defiled and some Lost Boys are found. 彼得潘哈利實在是... 嗯嗯... 古靈精怪的部分是蠻類似的, 很可愛會讓人心情變好的文.
Severus Snape Addresses the Slug Club’s Annual Reunion Dinner by cruisedirector (PG)
Snape accepts an honorarium and agrees to try to set the record straight. 如果你跟我一樣, 都對第七本書很有怨念的話, 那就看看這個吧, 很好笑有趣的一篇石教授致詞.
++Odysseus's Last Days by Armand-r (Post-DH excluding Epilogue, PG-13, character death)
"The first thing he would do, without a doubt, is grab onto Harry and clutch him, and maybe they would fall to the ground, and then maybe in about five years he'd think about letting go." 這活在我腦中, 一直都在, 我想我永遠也不會忘掉. 像被槌子重擊胸口的那一聲悶哼...
++Life in Kind by Sansa (Post-DH, NC-17)
This IS the kind of Snarry fic I like! Eerie, mysterious and erotic. After DH, it somehow feels wrong for me to read anything with a living Snape who loves anyone but Lily... it somehow feels disrespectful, even though I really want to be in denial. So... this fic is really something. The post-DH story continues, plot engagaing, characters believable and so very powerful... to me the perfect substitute to that weird Epilogue.... Arrghhhh!
Time and Again by Sushi (Post-DH, also 哈金 Harry/Ginny, NC-17)
Time and again we come back to something we yearn for, the first post-DH fic I read, and it took some courage to do so... because, errm, I spent a long time staying in a dark corner and mourning for Snape. Sushi's writing is a pleasure to read, as usual.
Commonplace Magic by sinick and ac1db6rn (AU, NC-17)
"A world where the card tricks were so elaborate they seemed real, and magic was as commonplace as love." How could I forget to rec this!? This fic feels warm, extremely comforting, a feel-good AU that shouldn't be missed.
Morior Animus by Vain (Post-HBP, R, UST, character death)
"That was his gift, you know? Happy endings... " He wanted to believe that. He really did. But he knew better.
The Memory Box by DragonLight (NC-17)
I think the ending is a bit rushed, and there are things that are not 'closed properly'. But i like the way it is structured and some new ideas thrown in, so there you go.
Somewhere I Have Never Traveled by melora98 (AU, PG)
Set in Normal, Illinois in America where Snape is a librabrian and Harry is hearing-disabled. This story is sweet and natural; every character is pretty canon with nicely-thought scenarios, and the confident air of Harry contrasts so well with Snape's self-wariness. Nice.
The Ridiculousness of the Situation Cannot Be Overlooked by Archimedes Slylark (can be read as post-HBP, R)
It is rather stupid, really, to be involved with Harry Potter, if Snape faces it. An honest look at Snape/Harry relationship.
+Consanquinity arc by Jay Tryfanstone (Post-HBP, R, dark)
They are Humour, Melancholia and Consanquinity. It's an amazing series. From dark and bitter to mild and promising.
+On Wednesday by Jay Tryfanstone (PG)
This reads like a surreal film. The ending line is genius.
Two Lockets by Sinick & Acid (Post-HBP, also Snape/Regulus, NC-17, drama, angst, hurt/comfort)
Lengthy and satisfying read.
+Burn by Bow and Burn (Singed Fingers Remix) by Sinope (PG, angst)
I really like these two pieces! Both Harry here seem extremely lonely and directionless; while Bow's is more stoic and Sinope's is more sensual. Very beautiful.
Barmy by Schemingreader (Post-HBP, humour)
Snape sings 'Should I stay or should I go' along with The Clash. The story is soft and soothing.
+Be Good and Don't Make a Sound by Naatz (AU, angst, NC-17, cross-dressing, violence)
Harry with his father and godfather. Snape in his red maid dress. Intrigued yet? But be warned, this is not really a happy story.
+OMG! Not Another MPREG! by mahaliem (humour, PG-13, MPREG)
Self-explanatory. But hey, this is really, really hilarious, I promise!
+Gladly Beyond Any Experience by Femme (Post-HBP, also 石跩 Snape/Draco, hurt/comfort)
Featuring Eileen Prince. You know... I do like this kind of story, where people all get old and sinister and tired, the meaning of 'romance' takes on a whole different level... I feel sad, but I also feel true.
The Remaining by imogenedisease (Post-HBP wartime, dark, violence)
Hopeless, broken and exhausted, and we are all so lost, so lost.
Crazy Man Michael by Amanuensis (Post-HBP, rather dark)
Don't believe in fairy-tale ending, but maybe this is the closest Snarry that can happen in canon.
++Pink Slip by Cluegirl (AU, NC-17, BDSM, cross-dressing, chan)
The link goes to her livejournal fic tag, please find the fic yourself. One of my recent satisfying read. I like Cluegirl's visionary, use of colours and details that make her story vivid and rich. This is sexy, clever and very very enjoyable.
Blood and Fire by Cluegirl (Post-HBP, adult content, dark, violence)
After the deaths of Dumbledore and Voldemort, Severus Snape must learn to cope with yet another Master; Harry Potter. Snape is so broken in this one, my goodness.
++Mobius by Mandy (AU, adult content, angst, hurt/comfort)
In my opinion, if there's a '2006 Snarry must-read list', this will be in--totally.
+Competitive Assessment by Lasair (also implied 路哈 Remus/Harry, PG)
Severus suspects Remus can teach Harry more than he can. Very canon and... I feel my heart twist for our pathetic Snape.
+Down, You Lie Down Too by Resonant (adult content, angst)
A brief interlude of peace at wartime. Great, great stuff. How i love the setting, the atmosphere and the tenderness inside it. Resonant wrote two sequels (Bruise and Marked, all drabbles) after this and they're truely amazing.
+Change by Nym
After Harry has left school, Snape braves Muggle technology to keep their secret assignation. A short piece: eloquent conversations, a certain time and place. A wonderful story doesn't really need an earth-shattering and saga-length plot. (There's a prequel: Lost and Found, it's also very well-written, but you don't have to read it first to enjoy Change)
Shattered by Nym (AU, adult content, hurt/comfort)
I know it's under revision but I downloaded and fnished reading it a satisfied reader.
If That Mockingbird Won't Sing by Aspen (AU, NC-17, dark, PWP, chan)
If that very last part is'nt there i would just skip this as just another smut. But the whole story finishes with something mysterious that is very much like a fantasy play, a delusion in one's head or something. Worth a read, and yeah, the sex is very hot.
Seventy Times Seven by Sinope (adult content, dark, character death)
490 words, but oh man this HURTS. Now go and read it yourself...
Parseltongue-tied by Dementor Delta (NC-17, snake-assisted wanking)
I know the warning is kind of scary...but this one is very touching and sweet. Dementor Delta in HP fandon is always famous for her sexy writing style, and there is no less in this fiction. Let me assure you. Please give it a try.
++Of Disguises and Hearts by wired_lizard (R, weirdness and mutilation)
I read this long time ago but its imagery stuck in my head and just wouldn't go away. So absurd, wicked, and wrong... very intrguing imagery... Oh yeah, and Snape does keep his word.
+Cuts Like a Knife by Luthien (drabble, PG)
"Shut up and give me the dagger."
++Nagatives by Sinope (angst, PG)
Even though Harry is drunk, he knows why he hates Snape.
Pale Green by Torch (angst, PG)
Bitter-sweet. First-time love(?).
Knockturn in the Rain by Dayse (AU, dark, chan, character death)
Winter morning. Small raindrops. Wet pavement.
Heart's Desire by Tara Tory (angst)
I love how it ends. It ends perfectly and contrary to what others' suggestion of a sequel, I think there's no need for that.
+Dragon-Blind by Thamiris (adult content, dark, chan, dubious con)
Snape is as nasty as you know he is... I'm a sucker for this.
Closing Time, or, The Hat That Snape Was by Dolores Crane (R, angst)
Things that might have been. Dolores writes beautifully, please also check out her philosophical Crucius.
Contemporary Magical Innovations, by H. Granger by kai (adult content, adventure)
Frequently rec-ed fanfic, this one is really fun and interesting to read. (the link guides you to kai's website)
+Something to Write On by Cybele (strong R)
Harry must turn in his potions journal. He wish he'd known that when he wrote in it. This is so fun and sexy! Don't forget the sequel Quill and Ink.
Cake and a Cup of Tea by Cybele (NC-17, PWP)
It's Harry's 22nd birthday. He makes a wish. This fic will always hold a special place in my HP recs. I don't know why. Maybe it's the kitchen and candle light. Maybe it's the serene peacefulness in midnight Hogwarts. Maybe it's the sweet chocolate forest cake... when you need some pick me up.
++The Impossible (Fear) by Libertine (NC-17, angst)
I cannot rec this highly enough. This is just purely amazing. My heart had ached right from the start till the end... great mind-fuck.
++Tomorrow Never Knows by breed (NC-17, angst)
Beautiful, beautiful, beautiful... This is a prefect short fic, reflecting Snape/Harry relationship in many ways with so little words. I'm still amazed by how precise and neat this work is, and how it feels. Like poetry. Like a melancholy, dusky morning. How Snape is just himself and Harry knows it's all on their own volition. Like there is no tomorrow to begin with.
Drunken Domesticity by Icarus (PG-13, humour)
Post-Hogwarts; when Snape and Harry fights, Ron fulfills his duty of being a good firend. A charming one-shot.
Weapon of Choice -- Switchknife's fanfic website
If you, like me, prefer Snape to be a mean greasy horrible unpleasant bastard, you'll love Switchknife's Snarry fictions. Her Snape is truely in canon and everything about him 'feels right'... if you know what I mean. Please check out: A Man of Habit, +Butterfly, Rumination on Tenderness, +Learning by Numbers (character death), and many many others.
The Rag and Bone Shop -- Telanu's website
I'm a Telanu fan. So to me every Telanu's HP fan work (mostly dedicated to Snape/Harry) is worth the recommendation. And that's why I provided her website link instead. Please check out the quintessential ++Tea series, +Coffee series (humour), Did This To Me, +In November (character death), and +The Last Gasp.