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【預訂折扣優惠】[美國直購] Oral-B Floss Action Replacement Brush Heads 8-pack 電動牙刷頭 _A819282-本季限時優惠活動


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Product details have been supplied by the Manufacturer, and are hosted by a third party.

Discover The Oral-B Difference

Choosing the right toothbrush can make a difference for the health of your whole mouth. That’s why Oral-B, the worldwide leader in toothbrushes, designed brush head refills inspired by the shape of professional dental tools for a superior clean vs. a regular manual toothbrush. Plus, Oral-B electric toothbrushes feature 3D cleaning action to oscillate, rotate and pulsate for a comprehensive clean. So make the right choice and choose Oral-B, the #1 dentist recommended and used toothbrush brand, worldwide.


8 FlossAction brush heads – a 1 year supply for 2 people

MicroPulse bristles clean deep between teeth to remove more plaque for a floss-like clean (does not replace flossing)

Removes up to 100% more plaque vs. a regular manual toothbrush when used with an Oral-B Professional Care toothbrush

Compatible with the entire lineup of Oral-B rechargeable handles (excluding Oral-B Pulsonic)

Floss-Like Cleaning*

Floss Action brush head refills feature MicroPulse bristles that help provide a floss-like clean*. The advanced bristles on the professionally inspired round brush head are designed to clean deep between teeth to remove up to 100% more plaque than a regular manual toothbrush when used with an Oral-B Professional Care toothbrush.

Replace Every 3 Months

Dentists recommend replacing your brush every 3 months (or sooner if bristles are faded or worn) to maintain a superior level of cleaning.* Oral-B Floss Action brush head refills feature Indicator Bristles that fade halfway to signal when it’s time to replace your brush head.

Customize Your Clean

Oral-B offers a variety of brush heads to fit your personal oral health needs. Also available at Costco, try the Oral-B Precision Clean brush head, featuring a round head for a tooth-by-tooth clean, inspired by professional dental tools. It removes up to 100% more plaque than a regular manual toothbrush for a superior clean.

Compatible with a range of Oral-B Electric Rechargeable Toothbrush Handles

Oral-B Floss Action brush head refills fit Oral-B Professional Care 1000, 2000, 3000, 4000, 5000, Deep Sweep, Black, Oral-B Vitality, and Oral-B Pro-Health Battery handles.

Frequently Asked Questions

How often should I replace my toothbrush head?

Dental professionals recommend replacing your toothbrush every 3-4 months, or earlier, if the bristles become spread out or frayed. When bristles are worn out, cleaning effectiveness decreases.




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響應Me Too不本季限時折扣活動再以貌取人!美國小姐選美比賽報廢泳裝

: 美國女星珊卓布拉克曾在電影《麻辣女王》中飾演FBI探員,為破案潛入美國小姐選美大賽中,成為選美小姐之一;最後雖然沒有得到頭銜卻成功破案,而比賽中各種凸顯身材的穿著,也讓大家看到美國小姐亮麗外表。不過美國小姐組織(Miss America Organization)主席卡爾森(Gretchen Carlson)昨(5日)表示,美國小姐選美將取消泳裝選秀比賽、不再「以貌取人」。




●連「缺點」本季限時優惠活動都包容接受? 這才是愛情真實的模樣

●我國友邦瓜國火山大噴發 熔岩碎石滅村 72人慘死難辨屍

●?9%百分九化作偶像劇男主角 深情演譯百分之百的心動暴擊

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