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 ~曼殊攝影‧台南善化慧慈寺~     2006-10-22 舊作 我始終相信I always believe that這世間沒有絕對善或絕對惡的人there are no absolute good guys or bad guys in the world. 再善的......(詳全文)
發表時間:2009-03-03 09:09 | 人氣:180 | 回應:1
  ~曼殊攝影‧台南善化慧慈寺~2006-10-22 舊作   出家人說”化緣”The Monk usually talk about and have an action ”Begging alms”原來就是化結緣分 ~Actually the meaning is to end......(詳全文)
發表時間:2009-03-03 09:02 | 人氣:136 | 回應:1
  ~曼殊攝影~                          等待 學習不易 It’s not really easy to learn waiting.等待緣起 等待緣滅To wait for the coming of fate, to wai......(詳全文)
發表時間:2009-02-28 12:12 | 人氣:174 | 回應:4

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