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2006-01-12 17:05:10| 人氣37| 回應0 | 上一篇 | 下一篇


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haha, don’t u feel interested in this topic so that u click to know more
in this case, introduce a song from John Lennon, actually an old song and perhaps u may have heard of it before (i love the melody very much, so soothing) coz recently all the songs i listen to are old ones, so please update me when i am back, haha

Love - John Lennon
Love is real, real is love,
Love is feeling, feeling love,
Love is wanting to be loved.
Love is touch, touch is love,
Love is reaching, reaching love,
Love is asking to be loved.
Love is you,
You and me,
Love is knowing,
We can be.
Love is free, free is love,
Love is living, living love,
Love is needing to be loved.

PS if you have any suggestions for good and new songs, please let me know i need new songs ar....

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