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2009-09-18 09:48:06| 人氣632| 回應0 | 上一篇 | 下一篇

20090914(小公司也有OL)- Evaluation

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CEO talked to me for two hours about my performance in the past three months, and his observation during our trip in China.

Most of his feedback are positive. I am still learning in this industry, but my attitude is appreciated - not agreesive, not judge at the first sight. Most of my comments on the things happened recently or people whom we met are correct. Which gave him the feeling that I did learn something from my previous working expereince.  He also gave me some advise and helped me how to keep my advantages in those Chinese colleagues.

After the talking, I felt an incredible sense of relief. I didn't let people who believes in my down. And the most important thing is finally my work is appreciated by my boss.

台長: 小紅
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