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2005-07-05 18:39:00| 人氣31| 回應0 | 上一篇 | 下一篇


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Suck!!!Dam...........i feel really upset
Why everthing goes so bad and it's totally diffrenrt from what I thought .......
Why???I thought it will be great to hand out with Dick but now I feel so bad :(
FUCK that's all what i can say
I really feel so bad for Sammy I know I'm such a bitch :(
I can't help to fall in love with him and guess what we are in love but I can't tell u the turth
As soon as she find out the tureth she will be so CARZY
and we won't be freind anymore :(
Although she says that I'm a good friend to hand out with but i believe that she will hates me when she find out the tureth
Everything turns down so quickly :(
I think i should give up as soon as i can just let time take away everthing
I have to stop thinking about u and i know it hurts but that's all i can do no more phone call and more messerger that's what can I do for now I miss the time when u teach me math and we learn togother and the night u call everthing just so perfect and yesterday ........we had wonderful time toghter but now......Such......that's all I feel now
Fuck men .............I hate this ....but guess what no more sadness Baby......I should hand out with someone to forgot about this that's what should I do now ......I can't believe everthing happen so fast ..that's the end of me and u......U SHOULD GO BACK TO UR GF AND STARTS A WONDERFUL LIFE WITH HER that's what I want you to do now please leave me alone.......men i don't want anyone get huryts from this including ur gf I think u sholhd give her one more chance to see if she changed or not however, I just wnat let u know that I care about u more than everything ...that's it please leave me along and no more sadness that's it

台長: smile {!}
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全站分類: 心情日記(隨筆、日記、心情手札)

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