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2009-08-16 08:48:19| 人氣29| 回應0 | 上一篇 | 下一篇


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i don't really want to go back

cause i don't want to schooooooool

n i kinda decide not to take stressful course cuz i don't even want to take care  my study now

hope it will b just temporary


theres something terrible happened here before but basically everything is awesome

im really happy that i came here alone cuz i met so many ppl

my friend's coworker once drive her home

but before she got off

he asked her whether she wanted to try something

n that thing is drug

my friend took it just in small doses

n that guy seems to take drugs for a while

naxt day he got fired!!!

n everybody in her working place doubted her for telling the supervisor

n what the hell she got suspicious n took a test for the drug at first aid

its so lucky that the tester didn't response so she was safe

wat if the tester responed

put her in jail?

hell not!!


n there was a guy tried to rape my friend

that is fucking terrible

it were three of  them walking just near our house

n they thought there was a mexican guy like following them for a while

he then just grabbed one of them n touch her privates

n one of them was screaming and the other was punching him but it was all useless

n nobody helped

anyway we called the police

but his attitude is fucking aweful

he asked "so wat do u want to do with him if we found him? accuse him?"

did he really care

seems not



well those r the most terrible things had happened here

n theres another gossip

a girl also from taiwan fucked with almost everybody in her working place

she took guys home

wat a gross bitch

 she doesn't take everything as secrets but like discussing everthing with her friends like the size or something

that whore!


seems like the life here is exciting



n Chris is so retaeded haha

he is nice though

it's like every time he drive me home n keeping talking to himself haha

rosa n brandon broke up

that's so sad

cause i like them so much






don't no wat to say

anyway thats all :)))))



台長: Lisaa


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