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2004-10-13 23:36:34| 人氣56| 回應0 | 上一篇 | 下一篇

Lyrics-Killing My Love (Initial D)

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You're gonna destroy my love
(*You're gonna destroy my life )

With your actions you destroy my heart
(*I was thinking to become your wife )

You give me always bad surprises tell me tell me why
(*You give me million of your lies tell me tell me why )

You treat my feelings like a toy
(*You think that love is not a joy )

Baby make up make up make up
Your mind's time to wake up
They gave us just one life to live
Baby love and love and love me love is what is worth it
The most important thing to give

But you're
Killing my love and it will destroy me
But you're
Killing my love my heart's disappointing
I'll love you forever but please don't say never
I'll keep your remember so deep in my heart

But you're
Killing my love and it will destroy me
But you're
Killing my love my heart's disappointing
A dream lasts forever if we dream together
I don't want to believe in love anymore

台長: 彩駱
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全站分類: 心情日記(隨筆、日記、心情手札)

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