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podcast學英文 台灣英檢 美語教學遊戲 land-and-water transportation中文意思是什麼

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    一對一補習 英語會話補習班推薦外籍英語老師 英文自學方法 美日語補習班英語家教班 高一英文 全英文教學家教網 德文家教台北podcast學英文 台灣英檢 美語教學遊戲一般上班族英文 外籍英文家教費用英文自修 外語家教 多益線上課程台灣toeic 多益英文



land-and-water transportation中文意思是什麼

land-and-water transportation解釋

海陸英文教學影片 線上學美語聯運

  • land: n 1 陸地,地面。2 土地,田地;農田;〈pl 〉所有地,地產。3 國土,國,國家;領土;地方;(…的)世...
  • and: n. 1. 附加條件。2. 〈常 pl. 〉附加細節。
  • water: n 1 水;雨水;露;〈常作 pl 〉 礦泉,溫泉;藥水。2 〈常 pl 〉水體;水域;水道;海;湖;河;海域;...
  • transportation: n. 運輸,輸送;轉運,搬運;遷移;〈美國〉運輸機關;運輸工具;運輸票;運費;【歷史】流放。adj. -al

  • Finally, some pollutants, most notably atomic waste, may continue to contaminate air, land, and water for thousands of years

    英文留學 英檢 最後,有些污染物質特別是那臭名昭著的原子污染廢料,可能要對大氣、土壤和水繼續污染下去達幾千年之久。
  • Wujiang minglilai gloves co., ltd. is located at meiyan town, wujiang city - the center of shanghai, suzhou, huzhou, jiaxing, enjoying convenient land - and - water transportation

  • The intergalactic plank industry locates the water electricity it the all proper, producing the tight in base superhighway with the railroad of, gather to pack the wharf according to goods of yangtze river, the land - and - water transportation is convenient, being apart from the railroad of, the superhighway of, proper gather to pack the sea mail wharf, proper the international airport of distinguishes for 3. 2 kilometers of, 3. 5 kilometers of, 8. 6 kilometers of, 10. 7 kilometers of, have to carry on the back the and radiates the geography advantage of the china

    銀河板業位於水電之都宜昌,生產基地緊鄰滬蓉高速公路和焦柳鐵路,依長江貨物集裝箱碼頭,水陸交通便利,距焦柳鐵路、滬蓉高速公路、宜昌集裝箱水運碼頭、宜昌國際機場分別為3 . 2公里、 3 . 5公里、 8 . 6公里、 10 . 7公里,具有背枕蓉川、輻射中原的地理優勢。
  • Matsa, the number nine typhoon of this year, has seriously affected the water , land and air transportation in shanghai

  • It connects with shanghai, suzhou, nanjing, nantong, to the east, situated against zhangjiagang port, the well - known international trade port, to the west, connects with jiangyin changjiang great bridge, and it is bounds by zhangjiagang free trade port, the first inland river free trade zone in china, closes to shanghai - nanjing, expressway and zhangjiagang grand canal, lies in the south bank of yangze river, so both land and water transportation is very convenient


    land yacht, land-air operations, land-and-water airport, land-barometer, land-base vehicle, land-based activities

    land-and-water transportation中文意思是什麼
      英文學習方法 app 英文學習 想學好英文雅思補習班 英語日常會話英語會話一對一 線上英文文法全民英檢考試時間 英文初學者 溝通技巧台灣英文網 成人英文家教英文會話教學 英文 國小 英語學習影片全民英檢報名時間 學習英語線上英文 推薦 toeic 英文 臺中高中英文家教行情價英檢初級報名 學講英文空中英 全民英檢中級考試時間 英文課


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