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有效學習英文 英文學習技巧 warrant of deliverance中文意思是什麼

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    有效學習英文 英文學習技巧家教網推薦 如何自修英文 英語學習英語遊學 英語問候語 英語學習資源英語單字發音 英文 免費安親班選擇全民英檢 全民英檢時間學英文書推薦 安親班課程 臺中市外籍英文家教行情線上教英文 ielts 考試學英文好方法 日語線上教學 線上學日語



warrant of deliverance中文意思是什麼

warrant of deliverance解釋

關釋英語檢定 英文學習影片

  • warrant: n 1 正常理由;根據;(被授予的)權力。2 保證;證明文件;許可證,執照;收據;認股證書;棧單;委任...
  • of: OF =Old French 古法語。
  • deliverance: n. 1. 救援,救助;釋放。2. 陳述;(意見的)發表。3. (正式)意見;判決。

  • Thomas bradbury, a pastor there at smithfield, earnestly went in prayer before god, asking for some kind of deliverance

  • Every to civil administration the personnel agree of deliverance of sectional application medical treatment carries cost of fair proportional medical treatment

  • God is always the last resource. unfortunates, who ought to begin with god, do not have any hope in him till they have exhausted all other means of deliverance 大學英文補習班 網路教學課程

  • Learning incessantly is the surest way to keep pace with the times in the information age, and an infallible warrant of success in times of uncertainty

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    warrant of deliverance中文意思是什麼
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