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怎麼學英文 高中英文家教班 childing中文意思是什麼

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    英語語言學概論 輕鬆學英文 全民英檢線上測驗英語單字教學 英語高雄英文家教老師 線上學日語學唱英文歌 上班族進修 美語學校全民英檢複試 國中英文補習班推薦英文認證 美語教材外國英文家教 商用英文 補習高雄兒童美語 補習班





adj. 形容詞 1. 〈古語〉懷孕的。

2. 【植物;植物學】花旁生花的。英文課 線上學習系統

  • But, said he, or it be long too she will bring forth by god his bounty and have joy of her childing for she hath waited marvellous long

    利奧波德稍長幾歲,遂文雅懇切地啟口雲: 「承蒙天主恩寵,伊即將安產,喜得嬰孩,伊已等候甚久矣。 」
  • The diameter is 24 centimetres, black, is it make gold and silver thin slice conduct hi, dark green dragon design kind of play, paste in painting childing smooth of polishing with paint among dark green space to carve, after being dry, overall xiu several of paint is it show honeysuckle line to grind and then, make pattern and paint bottom up to the same pingdu, in addition push the light to become exquisite and flat to take off the lacquer ware

  • The diameter is 15. 5 centimetres, 8. 5 centimetre high, is it make various kinds of flowers line kind to carve gold and silver thin slice, paste in painting childing smooth of polishing with paint, after being dry, overall xiu several of celluloid paint is it show the honeysuckle line to grind and then, make pattern and paint bottom reach same pingdu, push away light become a exquisite one flat to take off the lacquer ware in addition

    直徑15 . 5厘米,高8 . 5厘米,將金銀薄片刻製成各種花卉紋樣,用漆粘貼在打磨光滑的漆胎上,待乾燥后,全面髹透明漆數層再經研磨顯出金銀花紋,使花紋與漆底達到同樣平度,再加推光則成為精美的平脫漆器。
  • The diameter is 50 centimetres, with pitch - dark as bottom, with red green, getting red various kinds of color paint draw out the pattern, is it make various kinds of butterfly and flowers line kind to carve silver thin slice and then, paste in painting childing smooth of polishing with big paint, after being dry, overall xiu several of paint is it show silver pattern to grind and then, make pattern and paint bottom up to the same pingdu, in addition push the light and become exquisite and flat to take off the flower disc of lacquer ware

    直徑50厘米,以黑漆為底,用紅、綠、紅等各種色漆繪制出圖案,再將銀薄片刻製成各種蝴蝶與花卉等紋樣,用大漆粘貼學英文 mp3 英文聽力網站在打磨光滑的漆胎上,待乾燥后,全面髹漆數層再經研磨顯出銀花紋,使花紋與漆底達到同樣平度,再加推光就成為精美的平脫漆器花盤。

    childbirth, childe, childhood, childish, childless, childly

      幼兒美語補習班 語言補習班 線上說英文怎麼學英文 高中英文家教班英語檢定考試 學英文網兒童英語課程 法文家教行情英文補習班 英文 英文口語對話 大家說英語單字線上教學英文 唱歌的英文英文講師 app 學英文商業英檢 補教業 兒童英語課程數學線上教學 真人線上英語教學 great家教網從頭學英文 唱英文歌學英文


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