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2009-09-19 02:43:25| 人氣165| 回應0 | 下一篇

中國大陸產前親子鑑定漸成風 年增20%

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(引用 - 中央社台北28日電)




報導說,大陸產前親子鑑定數量正以每年20%的速度遞增。在浙江和廣東等地,做鑑定的人數以每年4 成至5成的速度激增。




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China antenatal parent-child appraisals gradually increased 20% in fashion In recent years, the Chinese mainland do antenatal parent-child appraise the increase in the number of people's hospital in henan province, for example, last year, amounted to more than 590 identification.

The personage inside course of study expresses, this kind of phenomenon and the related policies, and that of legal and ethical conflicts more and more outstanding. Hong Kong ta kung pao reported, henan do antenatal parent-child appraisals of nearly 2 years people suddenly.

Zhengzhou university 1 hospital has formally established prenatal diagnosis is one of the business center, make prenatal parent-child appraisals. Antenatal parent-child identified in the 1990s, China has appeared in "pop" is nearly 2 years.

Henan people's hospital in 2000 for carrying out this business, social start each year, but only dozens of more than $590 since last year. Reports say China parent-child identification number is antenatal by an annual rate of 20% by increasing
sex toys.

In guangdong, zhejiang and etc, the number of identification in every four to five into speed. For antenatal parent-child appraisals of heat, the personage inside course of study thinks, sex, "most cause such requirements of pregnant women are more than before, with a boyfriend sex, mostly confuse the father of the child who is pregnant.

Many do after the child will be identified off (abortion)."sex toys A child appraisals centre, said 1 of pregnant women don't know the child is the inside of the boyfriend or husband, just do the appraisals.

Operators say, prenatal parent-child identification process is very convenient, determine not need to provide any formalities, I shall not only mail, blood samples, hair samples can also
sex toys. It may also cause parenting appraisals heat causes.

台長: 99
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