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2005-06-14 16:08:30| 人氣165| 回應0 | 上一篇 | 下一篇

ID picture

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In order to meet the new ID card rules of Taiwan government, everyone will change to the new version of ID card with new and updated pictures on it. A photographer came to our office and took individual pictures for us. For this event, I even got up earlier for styling my hair. Within these years, I have been asked for taking photo for certificate such passport or visas. So, taking pictures becomes part of my record within these years. You can understand why I take it so serious.

Before taking picture, I went to restroom to make sure not even single hair out of control. I hope it will be perfect in some way. The photographor knew me and also I was the last one. He took many pictures of me. Then I could choose one I like most.

When I saw the draft of my pictures. I found..my face is quite "ROUND" compared to my previous one. Yape! I know I gain weight. Even my face is getting round. But I also think I am quite cute. HAHAHAHA..

I should not say that. Praise myself can be translate as pride. But, I really like that picture. I think if in my life I always skinny maybe it will be bored. If I can be skinny and fat when I am in different state of my life, it may bring much joy in life. :) I like myself today!

台長: Yu Yi, TSAI
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全站分類: 心情日記(隨筆、日記、心情手札)

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