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2005-05-25 12:51:42| 人氣121| 回應0 | 上一篇 | 下一篇

Pierre..My Strasbourg Friend!

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Pierre-From a city-"Strassbourg" on the border between Germany and France.

He works as sales, just like I do. But he is great sales than I do.
German, Franch and English..All is not problem for him.
When we did not get to know each other, I asked him for a favor.. to revise my resume..Then..he did.
He even offered to translate my resume into Franch. Nice guy! isn't it?

Traveling is part of his work. Greece, France, Bulgaria, Poland, Hungary..it seems he is never tired for working long hour.

Interesting guy!

台長: Yu Yi, TSAI
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