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Where to go in -Las Vegas Heli


Las Vegas Helicopter Tour

The experience:
Make your trip to Las Vegas one to remember with a breathtaking helicopter flight over the glittering Las Vegas Strip!
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- Highlights -

‧ Fabulous views of the dazzling Las Vegas night over a 10-12 minute tour from a state-of-the-art, six seater ECO-Star helicopter.
‧ Hotel pickup and drop-off included, as is a pre-flight champagne toast.
‧ Highly qualified and professional pilot, happy to share in his knowledge of Las Vegas with interesting facts and stories.
‧ Superb value for money.

- What you can expect -

After a quick safety briefing and a glass of celebratory champagne, it』s time for take off! Enjoy the numerous world famous landmarks and glorious sights of a beautiful Las Vegas night. Soar over the bustling Vegas Strip, alongside the prestigious Bellagio, Mirage and Venetian resorts, and up high alongside the gigantic Stratosphere and Eiffel towers. All this before being whisked safely back down to the helicopter terminal, and with drop-off back to your hotel included.

-Important Info-

‧ Service Hours:06:00 pm-11:00 pm depending on the season
‧ Meeting Point:Pickups are available from select Las Vegas hotels.
(Hotel pickups commence prior to this time, you must contact the local service provider to verify your exact pickup time.)
‧ Duration:1.5 hours
‧ Returning Point:Returns to original departure point.

-Additional Info-

‧ At the time of booking, please provide the name, contact number, and address of your hotel, as well as participants' weight.
‧ In order to maintain comfortability and balance of passengers, those over 275 pounds (275 KG) will need to buy an extra seating ticket on site before boarding.
‧ All passengers above the age of 18 should bring IDs for verification.
‧ According to FAA regulation, children over the age of 2 should buy a ticket for seating.

-How to Redeem Your Voucher-

‧ You must print and show your voucher for this activity.

< type='text/javascript'> var kkdayCid = 3366; var kkdayLang = 'zh-tw'; var kkdayad = kkdayad || {}; kkdayad.coll = kkdayad.coll || []; (function() { var kkdayjs = document.createElement('script'); kkdayjs.type = 'text/javascript'; kkdayjs.async = true; kkdayjs.src = 'https://www.kkday.com/assets/js/kkday-affi.js'; (document.getElementsByTagName('head')[0] || document.getElementsByTagName('body')[0]).appendChild(kkdayjs); })();
< type='text/javascript'> kkdayad.coll.push({ id: 'div-gpt-ad-1487756896334-4', kkdayStyleId: 4 });


- Highlights -

‧ Fabulous views of the dazzling Las Vegas night over a 10-12 minute tour from a state-of-the-art, six seater ECO-Star helicopter.
‧ Hotel pickup and drop-off included, as is a pre-flight champagne toast.
‧ Highly qualified and professional pilot, happy to share in his knowledge of Las Vegas with interesting facts and stories.
‧ Superb value for money.

- What you can expect -

After a quick safety briefing and a glass of celebratory champagne, it』s time for take off! Enjoy the numerous world famous landmarks and glorious sights of a beautiful Las Vegas night. Soar over the bustling Vegas Strip, alongside the prestigious Bellagio, Mirage and Venetian resorts, and up high alongside the gigantic Stratosphere and Eiffel towers. All this before being whisked safely back down to the helicopter terminal, and with drop-off back to your hotel included.

-Important Info-

‧ Service Hours:06:00 pm-11:00 pm depending on the season
‧ Meeting Point:Pickups are available from select Las Vegas hotels.
(Hotel pickups commence prior to this time, you must contact the local service provider to verify your exact pickup time.)
‧ Duration:1.5 hours
‧ Returning Point:Returns to original departure point.

-Additional Info-

‧ At the time of booking, please provide the name, contact number, and address of your hotel, as well as participants' weight.
‧ In order to maintain comfortability and balance of passengers, those over 275 pounds (275 KG) will need to buy an extra seating ticket on site before boarding.
‧ All passengers above the age of 18 should bring IDs for verification.
‧ According to FAA regulation, children over the age of 2 should buy a ticket for seating.

-How to Redeem Your Voucher-

‧ You must print and show your voucher for this activity.

台長: sandraptb3p76
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