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The homeless in Dublin

THE DUBLIN SIMON Community 150w box mod was left over €1.23 million in wills last year – the highest, single bequest received was over €550,000.

A spokesperson for the DSC said the money goes back into services and allows the charity to expand in order to meet growing demand garage storage cabinets.

Sam McGuinness, the CEO of the Dublin Simon Community said without people leaving the charity money in their wills, they would find it difficult to survive:

Bequests are essential in these very though times… We are continuing to fundraise in this challenging climate in order to raise the additional resources to meet the ever increasing demand for services and housing.
Despite continued statutory funding cuts, every night in 2012 the organisation provided 201 beds for homeless people, an increase of 17 beds since 2011 and 32 since 2010.

As funding decreases, Dublin Simon said they are worried about the increase in the number of homeless people they count every week:

“The average figure for June so far is 49, which is an increase of over 20 per cent from May’s average which was 41 people. April to June is nearly double the same period for 2012.The highest we have seen on one night in recent weeks was 58 at the end of May. These increases are very troubling to everyone Asian college of knowledge management,” said a spokesperson for the charity.

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