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From CNN

Suicide man 'shot Taiwan leader'

TAIPEI, Taiwan -- Investigators say they have identified the "most likely suspect" who shot and wounded Taiwan President Chen Shui-bian while he was campaigning last year.

But the suspect, Chen Yi-hsiung, drowned shortly after the March 19 shooting.

Police think it was a suicide because the man prepared a will just before his death, The Associated Press quoted Hou You-yi, head of the Criminal Investigation, as saying.

"We investigated 119 suspects ... and Chen Yi-hsiung was the most likely suspect," Hou told reporters on Monday.

Video footage taken before the shooting put Chen Yi-hsiung at the scene and an investigation of the weapon used traced it back to the suspect, who purchased his gun shortly before the shooting, news agencies reported.

Papers left behind show the unemployed suspect was unhappy about the economy and the way the nation was being governed.

The investigator read one note that said, "I felt depressed. After Chen Shui-bian became the president, the economy turned bad and we could not sell our house."

Another note said, "If Chen is reelected, I am old and cannot change anything."

Hou added, "We looked for his motive, and we found he was displeased with the social reality."

Assassination bid
Chen and his running mate, Vice President Annette Lu, were both wounded while campaigning in the southern city of Tainan, one day before a national election.

They were riding in the back of a convertible four-wheel drive vehicle when an unknown attacker opened fire.

Chen was shot in the stomach while Lu's leg was grazed by a bullet.

The crowd was cheering as Chen and Lu waved from the back of their vehicle, and fireworks were being set off along the route as the candidates passed.

Nobody heard any gunshots or initially realized the leaders had been wounded because of the noise from the firecrackers. Video from the parade showed a bullet hole in the windshield of the vehicle.

Chen was narrowly re-elected for a second term after four years in office one day after the shooting.

Opposition figures accused pro-Chen politicians of staging the attack to gain sympathy votes in the March 20 election.

Chen has repeatedly denied he had anything to do with the shooting.

On videotapes the suspect, a man in his late 50s wearing a yellow jacket, was seen walking in the street near the shooting scene.

After the shooting, "he ran and then slowed to walk, and then walked quickly. He did not walk toward his home but in the opposition direction," Hou said.

Police interrogated Chen Yi-hsiung before he died because he bore similarities to the balding man in a yellow jacket, Reuters news agency reported.

When the suspect was asked if he committed the attack, he replied: "I will deal with what I did," Hou added.

The suspect likely drove his car into a river in Tainan on March 28 and his body was found on March 29, investigators said.

想不到是真的 ...

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