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無獨有偶地,瑞士蘇黎士市議會在去年廢除自西元1987年以來所頒布的『禁止在衛生與環境部門所設置的機構中執行和支援自殺』而自今年(西元2001年)1月1日開始允許無家可歸且住在老人院或醫院中的病患在安樂死組織成員的支援下進行自殺;荷蘭在今年(西元2001年)4月10日通過全世界第一部『審查積極協助死亡』(俗稱:安樂死)與協助自殺的法律(荷蘭文:Toetsing van levensbeëindiging op verzoek en hulp bij zelfdoding;英文:Bill for testing requests for euthanasia and help with suicide;德文:Ueberpruefung bei Lebensbeendigung auf Verlangen und bei der Hilfe bei der Selbsttoetung,請見附錄一:荷蘭『審查積極協助死亡與積極協助自殺法』的全部英文翻譯條文)而轟動世界,各國無不加以熱切討論並探討『安樂死』是否適用於自己的國家?一位台灣網友的來函詢問更引起我對荷蘭該法律的注意,在經過資料蒐集之後,我將我所理解的資料整理如下:


一、 立法緣由:
荷蘭立法者創立此項法律有其歷史典故:在西元1973年一位荷蘭女醫師被控告殺害其母親,原因是:其母親長年受不可治癒癌症之苦,多次請求自己的女兒替她結束生命來結束一切折磨,在目睹母親多次痛苦癌症治療之後,該女醫師含淚寫下高劑量的嗎啡處方讓她母親因心臟停止跳動死亡來縮短她的長年痛苦。荷蘭最高法院最後判決:醫師並無義務無條件延長病人的生命,醫師的義務是救治病人,其中也包括減少病人的痛苦,如果為了減輕痛苦而導致結束生命是被允許的;而這位女醫師的出發點是為了減少病人(=她母親)的痛苦,因此她的行為並不違反醫師義務(資料來源:荷蘭衛生、大眾福利與體育部長Mr. Dr. iur. J.J.Visser在西元2001年6月27日在德國Giessen大學演講有關荷蘭立法通過積極協助病患安樂死的內容)。這個判決引發荷蘭全國熱烈討論積極協助癌症病患死亡的合法性問題,但眾說紛紜,莫衷一是,不過『安樂死』這個名詞已深植人民腦中。
台灣最有名的植物人是王曉民小姐(*已去世),她的母親在照顧她的二三十年之中曾多次陳請要求讓王曉民安樂死,但沒有人敢給她母親一個正面回應;後來台灣為尊重不可治癒末期病人之醫療意願及保障其權益而在西元2000年6月7 日公布施行了『安寧緩和醫療條例(請見下述附錄二)』,此種『安寧緩和醫療』並非荷蘭式『安樂死』,而是消極地不施予醫學治療並靜待死亡的到來。
和中國傳統忌談『生與死』的習俗相反的是荷蘭的民族性:荷蘭民族性較寬容、喜歡將問題拋出來進行公開討論,也包括『生與死』的話題,且希望儘可能將所有問題用法律來規範,加上近年來基督教與天主教會勢力微弱(註:基督教與天主教視『生命』由『上帝』所賜予,因此只有『上帝』才有權利決定生與死,所以『自殺者』或『協助自殺者』都是罪惡!),民間『自決意識』抬頭成為主流(註:主張『病人自決權優先』的人認為:人有權利決定自己的人生,包括是繼續生存或選擇死亡!),所以在經過30多年的討論之後,終於在去年(西元2000年)11 月28日荷蘭國會討論通過制定『協助死亡法(或稱:安樂死法)』,而在今年(西元2001年)4月10日通過全世界第一部『審查積極協助死亡與協助自殺』的法律。

並不是所有的積極協助死亡與積極協助自殺都可免除法律責任,依據荷蘭刑法第293條(加工自殺罪,德文:Toetung auf Verlangen)與第294條第二項(協助自殺,德文:Beihilfe zum Selbstmord)還是需被處罰,只有當『積極協助死亡』或『協助自殺』是由『醫師』在符合『謹慎注意準則,德文:Sorgfaltskriterien』下,才可免除法律責任。
1. 此六項『謹慎注意準則』如下:
a) 該醫師需確定病人是自願且在成熟思考後所做的『協助死亡或協助自殺』請求(德文:Der Arzt muss sich davon ueberzeugt haben, dass der Patient seine Bitte freiwillig und nach reiflicher Ueberzeugung gestellt hat.),
b) 該醫師需確定病人的病況已無治癒希望且其痛苦是無法忍受的(德文:Der Arzt muss sich davon ueberzeugt haben, dass der Zustand des Patienten aussichtslos und sein Leiden unertraeglich ist.),
c) 該醫師需告知病人他的病況與醫師的診斷結果(德文:Der Arzt muss den Patienten ueber seine Situation und ueber die aerztliche Prognose informiert haben.),
d) 該醫師需和他的病人一致確定該病人病況已無其他可被接受的解決方案存在(德文:Der Arzt muss gemeinsam mit dem Patienten zu der Ueberzeugung gelangt sein, dass es fuer seine Situation keine andere annehmbare Loesung gibt.),
e) 該醫師需委託(至少一位)其他獨立醫師(=第二位醫師)來檢查病人以給予建議並針對該醫師是否依據上述第a點至第d點的謹慎注意準則來給予書面鑑定(德文:Der Arzt muss mindestens einen anderen, unabhaengigen Arzt zu Rate gezogen haben, der den Patienten untersucht und schriftlich zur Einhaltung der unter a. bis d. genannten Sorgfaltskriterien Stellung genommen hat.),
f) 該醫師在執行結束生命或協助自殺時需依據醫學上的謹慎義務為之(德文:Der Arzt muss bei der Lebensbeendigung oder bei der Hilfe bei der Selbsttoetung mit medizinischer Sorgfalt gehandelt haben.)(資料來源:Heleen van Maurik, Erschienen in: Medisch Contact, 26. Januar 2001, 56 Nr. 4 http://www.minbuza.nl/english/#P36_1852)。




a) 12歲以下:不具備此項行為能力,因此不得請求『協助死亡』或『協助自殺』!
b) 滿12歲以上至未滿16歲:此年齡層的未成年病患需具備必要的判斷能力及在經過成熟思考後請求協助死亡,該未成年的病患父母需加入討論行列。萬一其父母反對時,醫師可在依據『謹慎注意準則』下作獨立判斷,原則上此年齡層的未成年病患的意願優先於其父母願望。
c) 滿16歲以上至18歲以下:基本上此年齡層的未成年病患可獨立做出申請,不過其父母需被告知並參予討論。萬一其父母反對時,此年齡層的未成年病患的意願優先於其父母願望。

b)事先訂立書面的『病人生存意願預囑(德文:Patientenverfuegung)』:此種方式亦被法律承認效力,只是醫師並無義務給予死亡協助;如果醫師要給予死亡協助,則需遵守上述的法定六項『謹慎注意準則』。『病人生存意願預囑』並無期限限制,只是法律希望醫師與病人能有機會口頭討論。據荷蘭衛生部的調查:如果病人已昏迷但有『病人生存意願預囑』存在,一般荷蘭醫師還是持保守態度,不願意施行積極協助死亡措施,最普遍的是採取『消極不施行必要醫療措施(註:類似台灣的『安寧緩和醫療』)』(資料來源:荷蘭衛生、大眾福利與體育部長Mr. Dr. iur. J.J.Visser在西元2001年6月27日在德國Giessen大學演講有關荷蘭立法通過積極協助病患安樂死的內容)。

1. 積極協助死亡或積極協助自殺後的申報程序:
2. 地區性委員會的組織
地區性委員會負責事後審查該醫師是否遵守法定的『謹慎注意義務』。荷蘭立法者將全國劃分成五個區,各設立一委員會,五個地區性委員會為:(1)Region Groningen, Friesland und Drente; (2)Region Overijssel, Geldern, Utrecht und Flevoland; (3)Region Nordholland; (4)Region Suedholland und Seeland; (5)Region Nordbrabant und Limburg;每一委員會成員數目不等,但至少有一法律專家(=同時也是委員會主席)、一醫師、一醫學倫理專家存在(*請見下述附錄一:『審查積極協助死亡與與積極協助自殺法』第三條的規定),因此該委員會可分別從法律、醫學及倫理觀點個別判斷,委員會的決議採多數決。委員會的成員(包括主席)是由荷蘭法務部及衛生部共同任命,任期為六年。
據荷蘭衛生部的調查,病人因醫師積極死亡協助或積極自殺協助的死亡比率雖從西元1990年的 1.8 %上升到西元1995年的 2.4 %,但醫師申報的比率上升最迅速,由西元1990年的 18 %上升到西元1995年的 41 %,可見荷蘭醫師愈來愈趨向於利用申報制度來免除自己的法律責任。
Review procedures for the termination of life on request and assisted suicide and
amendment of the Criminal Code and the Burial and Cremation Act (Termination of
Life on Request and Assisted Suicide (Review Procedures) Act)


Section 1
For the purposes of this Act, the following definitions shall apply:
a. Our Ministers: the Minister of Justice and the Minister of Health, Welfare and Sport;
b. assisted suicide: intentionally helping another person to commit suicide or providing him with the means to do so as referred to in article 294, paragraph 2, second sentence, of the Criminal Code;
c. the attending physician: the physician who, according to the notification, has terminated life on request or has provided assistance with suicide;
d. the independent physician: the physician who has been consulted about the attending physician’s intention to terminate life on request or to provide assistance with suicide;
e. the care providers: the persons referred to in article 446, paragraph 1, of Book 7 of the Civil Code;
f. the committee: a regional review committee as referred to in section 3;
g. regional inspector: a regional inspector employed by the Health Care Inspectorate of the Public Health Supervisory Service.


Section 2
1. In order to comply with the due care criteria referred to in article 293, paragraph 2, of the Criminal Code, the attending physician must:
a. be satisfied that the patient has made a voluntary and carefully considered request;
b. be satisfied that the patient's suffering was unbearable, and that there was no prospect of improvement;
c. have informed the patient about his situation and his prospects;
d. have come to the conclusion, together with the patient, that there is no reasonable alternative in the light of the patient’s situation;
e. have consulted at least one other, independent physician, who must have seen the patient and given a written opinion on the due care criteria referred to in a. to d. above; and
f. have terminated the patient’s life or provided assistance with suicide with due medical care and attention.
2. If a patient aged sixteen or over who is no longer capable of expressing his will, but before reaching this state was deemed capable of making a reasonable appraisal of his own interests, has made a written declaration requesting that his life be terminated, the attending physician may comply with this request. The due care criteria referred to in subsection 1 shall apply mutatis mutandis.
3. If the patient is a minor aged between sixteen and eighteen and is deemed to be capable of making a reasonable appraisal of his own interests, the attending physician may comply with a request made by the patient to terminate his life or provide assistance with suicide, after the parent or parents who has/have responsibility for him, or else his guardian, has or have been consulted.
4. If the patient is a minor aged between twelve and sixteen and is deemed to be capable of making a reasonable appraisal of his own interests, the attending physician may comply with the patient’s request if the parent or parents who has/have responsibility for him, or else his guardian, is/are able to agree to the termination of life or to assisted suicide. Subsection 2 shall apply mutatis mutandis.


Division 1: Establishment, composition and appointment

Section 3
1. There shall be regional committees to review reported cases of the termination of life on request or assisted suicide as referred to in article 293, paragraph 2, and article 294, paragraph 2, second sentence, of the Criminal Code.
2. A committee shall consist of an odd number of members, including in any event one legal expert who shall also chair the committee, one physician and one expert on ethical or moral issues. A committee shall also comprise alternate members from each of the categories mentioned in the first sentence.

Section 4
1. The chair, the members and the alternate members shall be appointed by Our Ministers for a period of six years. They may be reappointed once for a period of six years.
2. A committee shall have a secretary and one or more deputy secretaries, all of whom shall be legal experts appointed by Our Ministers. The secretary shall attend the committee’s meetings in an advisory capacity.
3. The secretary shall be accountable to the committee alone in respect of his work for the committee.

Division 2: Resignation and dismissal

Section 5
The chair, the members and the alternate members may tender their resignation to Our Ministers at any time.

Section 6
The chair, the members, and the alternate members may be dismissed by Our Ministers on the grounds of unsuitability or incompetence or other compelling reasons.

Division 3: Remuneration

Section 7
The chair, the members and the alternate members shall be paid an attendance fee and a travel and subsistence allowance in accordance with current government regulations, insofar as these expenses are not covered in any other way from the public purse.

Division 4: Duties and responsibilities

Section 8
1. The committee shall assess, on the basis of the report referred to in section 7, subsection 2 of the Burial and Cremation Act, whether an attending physician, in terminating life on request or in assisting with suicide, acted in accordance with the due care criteria set out in section 2.
2. The committee may request the attending physician to supplement his report either orally or in writing, if this is necessary for a proper assessment of the attending physician’s conduct.
3. The committee may obtain information from the municipal pathologist, the independent physician or the relevant care providers, if this is necessary for a proper assessment of the attending physician’s conduct.

Section 9
1. The committee shall notify the attending physician within six weeks of receiving the report referred to in section 8, subsection 1, of its findings, giving reasons.
2. The committee shall notify the Board of Procurators General of the Public Prosecution Service and the regional health care inspector of its findings:
a. if the attending physician, in the committee’s opinion, did not act in accordance with the due care criteria set out in section 2; or
b. if a situation occurs as referred to in section 12, last sentence, of the Burial and Cremation Act. The committee shall notify the attending physician accordingly.
3. The time limit defined in the first subsection may be extended once for a maximum of six weeks. The committee shall notify the attending physician accordingly.
4. The committee is empowered to explain its findings to the attending physician orally.
This oral explanation may be provided at the request of the committee or the attending physician.

Section 10
The committee is obliged to provide the public prosecutor with all the information that he may require:
(1) for the purpose of assessing the attending physician’s conduct in a case as referred to in section 9, subsection 2; or
(2) for the purposes of a criminal investigation.
The committee shall notify the attending physician that it has supplied information to the public prosecutor.

Division 6: Procedures

Section 11
The committee shall be responsible for making a record of all reported cases of termination of life on request or assisted suicide. Our Ministers may lay down further rules on this point by ministerial order.

Section 12
1. The committee shall adopt its findings by a simple majority of votes.
2. The committee may adopt findings only if all its members have taken part in the vote.

Section 13
The chairs of the regional review committees shall meet at least twice a year in order to discuss the methods and operations of the committees. A representative of the Board of Procurators General and a representative of the Health Care Inspectorate of the Public Health Supervisory Service shall be invited to attend these meetings.

Division 7: Confidentiality and disqualification

Section 14
The members and alternate members of the committee are obliged to maintain confidentiality with regard to all the information that comes to their attention in the course of their duties, unless they are required by a statutory regulation to disclose the information in question or unless the need to disclose the information in question is a logical consequence of their responsibilities.

Section 15
A member of the committee sitting to review a particular case shall disqualify himself and may be challenged if there are any facts or circumstances which could jeopardise the impartiality of his judgment.

Section 16
Any member or alternate member or the secretary of the committee shall refrain from giving any opinion on an intention expressed by an attending physician to terminate life on request or to provide assistance with suicide.

Division 8: Reporting requirements

Section 17
1. By 1 April of each year, the committees shall submit to Our Ministers a joint report on their activities during the preceding calendar year. Our Ministers may lay down the format of such a report by ministerial order.
2. The report referred to in subsection 1 shall state in any event:
a. the number of cases of termination of life on request and assisted suicide of which the committee has been notified and which the committee has assessed;
b. the nature of these cases;
c. the committee's findings and its reasons.

Section 18
Each year, when they present their budgets to the States General, Our Ministers shall report on the operation of the committees on the basis of the report referred to in section 17, subsection 1.

Section 19
1. On the recommendation of Our Ministers, rules shall be laid down by order in council on:
a. the number of committees and their powers;
b. their locations.
2. Further rules may be laid down by Our Ministers by or pursuant to order in council with regard to:
a. the size and composition of the committees;
b. their working methods and reporting procedures.


Section 20
The Criminal Code shall be amended as follows.
Article 293 shall read as follows:
Article 293
1. Any person who terminates another person’s life at that person’s express and earnest request shall be liable to a term of imprisonment not exceeding twelve years or a fifth-category fine.
2. The act referred to in the first paragraph shall not be an offence if it is committed by a physician who fulfils the due care criteria set out in section 2 of the Termination of Life on Request and Assisted Suicide (Review Procedures) Act, and if the physician notifies the municipal pathologist of this act in accordance with the provisions of section 7, subsection 2 of the Burial and Cremation Act.
Article 294 shall read as follows:
Article 294
1. Any person who intentionally incites another to commit suicide shall, if suicide follows, be liable to a term of imprisonment not exceeding three years or to a fourth-category fine.
2. Any person who intentionally assists another to commit suicide or provides him with the means to do so shall, if suicide follows, be liable to a term of imprisonment not exceeding three years or a fourth-category fine. Article 293, paragraph 2 shall apply mutatis mutandis.
The following shall be inserted in article 295, after “293”: , first paragraph,.
The following shall be inserted in article 422, after “293”: , first paragraph,.

Section 21
The Burial and Cremation Act shall be amended as follows.
Section 7 shall read as follows:
Section 7
1. The person who conducted the post-mortem examination shall issue a death certificate if he is satisfied that the death was due to natural causes.
2. If death was the result of the termination of life on request or assisted suicide as referred to in article 293, paragraph 2, or article 294, paragraph 2, second sentence, of the Criminal Code respectively, the attending physician shall not issue a death certificate and shall immediately notify the municipal pathologist or one of the municipal pathologists of the cause of death by completing a report form. The attending physician shall enclose with the form a detailed report on compliance with the due care criteria set out in section 2 of the Termination of Life on Request and Assisted Suicide (Review Procedures) Act.
3. If the attending physician decides, in cases other than those referred to in subsection 2, that he is unable to issue a death certificate, he shall immediately notify the municipal pathologist or one of the municipal pathologists accordingly by completing a report form.
Section 9 shall read as follows:
Section 9
1. The form and layout of the models for the death certificates to be issued by the attending physician and the municipal pathologist shall be laid down by order in council.
2. The form and layout of the models for the notification and the detailed report as referred to in section 7, subsection 2, for the notification as referred to in section 7, subsection 3 and for the forms referred to in section 10, subsections 1 and 2, shall be laid down by order in council on the recommendation of Our Minister of Justice and Our Minister of Health, Welfare and Sport.
Section 10 shall read as follows:
Section 10
1. If the municipal pathologist decides that he is unable to issue a death certificate, he shall immediately notify the public prosecutor by completing a form and shall immediately notify the Registrar of Births, Deaths and Marriages.
2. Without prejudice to subsection 1, the municipal pathologist shall, if notified as referred to in section 7, subsection 2, report without delay to the regional review committees referred to in section 3 of the Termination of Life on Request and Assisted Suicide (Review Procedures) Act by completing a form. He shall enclose a detailed report as referred to in section 7, subsection 2.
The following sentence shall be added to section 12: If the public prosecutor decides, in cases as referred to in section 7, subsection 2, that he is unable to issue a certificate of no objection to burial or cremation, he shall immediately notify the municipal pathologist and the regional review committee as referred to in section 3 of the Termination of Life on Request and Assisted Suicide (Review Procedures) Act.
In section 81, first point, “7, subsection 1” shall be replaced by: 7, subsections 1 and 2.

Section 22
The General Administrative Law Act shall be amended as follows.
In section 1:6, the full stop at the end of point (d) shall be replaced by a semi-colon, and a fifth
point shall be inserted as follows:
e. decisions and actions to implement the Termination of Life on Request and
Assisted Suicide (Review Procedures) Act.


Section 23
This Act shall enter into force on a date to be determined by Royal Decree.

Section 24
This Act may be cited as the Termination of Life on Request and Assisted Suicide (Review Procedures) Act.
We order and command that this Act shall be published in the Bulletin of Acts and Decrees and that all ministries, authorities, bodies and officials whom it may concern shall diligently implement it.
Done at ... on ...
The Minister of Justice,
The Minister of Health, Welfare and Sport,
Lower House, 1998-1999 session, 26 691, Nos. 1-2

頒布日期:中華民國八十九年五月二十三日立法院制定全文十五條 中華民國八十九年六月七日總統公布施行

第一條 (立法目的) 為尊重不可治癒末期病人之醫療意願及保障其權益,特制定本條例;本條例未規定者,適用其他有關法律之規定。

第二條 (主管機關) 本條例所稱主管機關:在中央為行政院衛生署;在直轄市為直轄市政府;在縣(市)為縣(市)政府。

第三條 (名詞定義) 本條例專用名詞定義如下:
一、安寧緩和醫療:指為減輕或免除末期病人之痛苦,施予緩解性、支持性之醫療照護,或不施行心肺復甦術。 二、末期病人:指罹患嚴重傷病,經醫師診斷認為不可治癒,且有醫學上之證據,近期內病程進行至死亡已不可避免者。

第四條 (意願人之簽署及事項) 末期病人得立意願書選擇安寧緩和醫療。 前項意願書,至少應載明下列事項,並由意願人簽署:

第五條 (意願書之要件)

第六條 (書面撤回意願)

第七條 (不實施心肺復甦術之要件)
六、曾祖父母或三親等旁系血親。 七、一親等直系姻親。

第八條 (醫師告知之義務)

第九條 (病歷記載及保存)

第十條 (違反不實施心肺復甦術要件之處罰) 醫師違反第七條規定者,處新臺幣六萬元以上三十萬元以下罰鍰,並得處一個月以上一年以下停業處分或廢止其執業執照。

第十一條 (違反病歷記載及保存之處罰)

第十二條 (處罰機關)

第十三條 (強制執行)

第十四條 (施行細則)

第十五條 (施行日)


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