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【超值推】Avent Philips Natural Gift Set 精選特賣

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AVENT Philips Natural Gift Set

The adorable Philips Avent Natur精選特賣al gift set is perfect for giving new parents and their little one's a real treat.

The set contains:網友超推2018流行產品

  • 1 x Natural baby bottle, 260ml

  • 1 x Natural baby bottle, 125ml

  • 2 x Classic soothers

The largest of the Natural baby bottles as well as one soother comes with an adorable print that features baby tigers. The other soother features a cute little hippo.

The soft and flexible comfort petals inside the teat prevent it from collapsing and promote natural drinking just like on mom's breast. The innovative twin valve reduces colic and discomfort by preventing the air from getting into baby's tummy and guiding it into the bottle instead. This way, combining breast and bottle feeding is made particularly easy for your child.

Furthermore, the bottles come with an ergonomic shape which makes it easy to grip and hold them in any direction - even for the small hands of your little one. The material used for the bottles (polypropylene) is free from BPA.

The orthodontic shape of the soft nipples of both soothers promote a healthy and natural development of baby's palate, teeth and gums. They are made of silicone and are neutral in taste and odourless.

The Philips Avent Natural range offers various teats and spouts in different sizes so that they meet the needs of your growing baby perfectly. After receiving this gift set, new parents can extend their collection by purchasing additional sizes so that they can use the baby bottle even longer.


  • Small gift set for new-born babies and new moms

  • Particularly soft and flexible teat, unique comfort petals inside the teat

  • Special anti-colic system

  • Perfect for combining breast and bottle feeding

  • Ergonomic shape of bottle for easy holding

  • Wide bottleneck ensures easy filling, assembling and cleaning

  • Suitable for sterilisation

  • Material of bottle: polypropylene, free from BPA

  • Material of spout: silicone, free from BPA




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